Friday, August 16, 2019

Dennis The Menace Part Deux

How do you separate your history from yourself? Of course the answer is you cannot. Because your history is you everything has happened to you to this second is what makes you you right now. I'm not trying to be heavy this Friday night but I had a most stimulating conversation with my buddy Dennis the Menace this afternoon. My friend from my deep history whose paths entangled For a couple years then split for decades. D T M oddly is one of the few people who really keyed into me in my youth but we were both strange and our own ways and perhaps that's best but sure is great linking up now. It's kind of crazy it's like I'm reading the script of a movie are possible movie. I with one of the only people I know who could help write the script to produce the movie that I would want to see which should be just bizarre enough that a large portion of the population would also want to see.

The characters of our youth are so colorful we can barely contain them in the bland reality of the lives we live now. Truly: a used/new car salesman who also are religious leader, a mad Englishman, a salesman were earned a golden plated Kirby vacuum cleaner for selling 1000 vacuums in one year, I post adolescent Vietnam Army deserter shipping out to Canada, a Canadian green card holder armed robber shipping off to Vietnam these would all be characters in the movie which could only be written by Tarantino. I would pay money to read the book and see the film. The best part would be when the film winds up and you see what happens now to each of the characters. In fact even better would be out each of the characters would spin off their own TV or Internet series of how their lives were lived and how they turned out. Man! That would be great viewing. Trouble is people and watch like buying liquor from a state liquor store, you know clandestinely sneaking views like carrying out glass bottles in brown paper bags like people won't know what's in the wadded up paper sacks. He never know the brand of liquor just that it's booze and it's an escape just the same you never know what the miniseries is about except that it's about the life experience of an unbelievable person from an unbelievable time.

I'm totally wowed by the volume to the point that I want to see volume 2 what happened next. Volume 1 is kind of a cliffhanger. The reader assumes the writer survives and evolves into middle age and old age respectively. You want to know how he did it, is the magician “nothing up my sleeve” he reaches in the hat and pulls out a life or lives of great potential and great quality. Like any expert in maturity he makes the exercise look easy like rolling off a log and turned his face to the sun and squinting and hugging his wife and daughter while walking into the California sunset. I'm not going to promise that this is the end of the DTM Chronicles I just got a get over my my new case of hero worship which is been the high point of my summer… Thanks DTM you're the best.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

You are too kind. You forgot the other Dennis who beats up other kids for fun.