Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Me !

No Assist,Inc. Advisory board meeting today so I have been able to stay home and work on projects round the apartment. In truth, I've worked basically on one project and that's the upcoming minimal family reunion that I'm sort of generating. As I've said before, have no one to blame but myself if the project goes South but really how can this fail except for we don't get together. And I still think someone's going to get together one or the other of the party started the planning with the number of individuals taking part I'm just the tip of the spear. In fact I was kind of dismayed this morning when I finally went down and spoke with the manager the building to see if the common room was available for Saturday, September 28 and someone actually has the room reserved. This is difficult to believe but such is life. No big deal really. Again I don't envision a lot of participation of these for this first event and actually I'm hoping that the weather will hold and we can use the park next door and take over one of the pavilions for the evening are afternoon a however we work out this event. I have to admit I'm kind of excited. I be interested to see how this minimalist reunion turns out.

What really made my day today however was a comment made on one of my posts to my Facebook account. I made a comment yesterday about rethinking my decision as far as taking the basic drawing class this fall. And a friend of mine, from the old days, made the simple comment “what inspires you”. What a delightful question! I plan not to get all syrupy and drippy and stuff but I think life in general inspires me and I know that's pretty global but still. When I began thinking there is just too many things individually to choose just one. I think if I had to choose one (and this is what I serve labored at in my reply to Carla's comment) Is the seemingly endless ability for the human individual to pick itself up by its proverbial bootstraps and go on living. It just not folks for spinal cord injury, like myself, but all the other disabilities as well as people who are targets of divorce, abuse on all levels, people who survive every imaginable challenge yet get themselves eight hours sleep, hot meal and a brand-new day And these individuals are able to get back into the game and take the next step whatever life might be.

I'm going to sit by my decision to not take the class, even though today I'm feeling much better than I did yesterday, I know it's fleeting that taking the responsibility this late in the afternoon 530 to 7:30 PM is just way too much for me to handle after a full day's consciousness. Perhaps in the spring and I will try to find a course that's offered earlier in the day even if I have to give up one of my other commitments. Because ugly as it may sound to say”What inspires you” I have to say the best answer for me is “me”!…

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