Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Night Sounds

What are the noises outside my window all night long? I believe I've talked about the skateboard park which is right next to my building. Seriously, outside my window across the driveway literally is the skateboard park a beautiful facility, free to the taxpayers of Taylorsville Utah and really anybody else who wants to imbibe in neck breaking recreational activities. Mix in the that formula adolescent males and you have a prescription for all-night noise. Granted this is is, for the most part, phenomenon which happens in the summer spring and fall but mainly in the summer. The hard-core skaters are year-round except for when there's snow and is too cold for even them to challenge. As it is now however, late summer, these adolescent idiots start around 6:30 AM and will go to who knows when. Technically speaking the skateboard park cannot be used after 10 PM it's that's when these kids start the next shift. I know I sound like the typical old fart trying to quash any fun of anyone younger than myself. But really I hear these guys going at it one two and 3 AM. Thank goodness I've grown somewhat accustomed to the noise and probably have moved it over to the “white” Noise category. Last year for some reason the noise bothered me a lot but not this year. I don't know why the cops are involved it would be easy to sweep these folks away at 10 o'clock but that hasn't happened yet. And this year, there's something else going on I don't know what it is but it sounds like the noise you hear when you pull an old rusty nail out of a board that's been home to that nail for decades. I've heard this noise over and over the past couple of nights. This also another noise which is very peculiar. The noise is very “Stephen King”. A very faint ringing sound like two cymbals, little cymbals struck together causing kind of a metallic ringing sound – very lightly barely audible. I for the most part I learned to tune that noise out as well sometimes though, I just like listening to the sound for some reason the ringing metallic sound is soothing and like I said almost ghostly. Last noise I hear often nearly morning and again just barely audible are the sprinklers as they work through their nightly tasks of watering the shrubs of our building. Again, the sprinklers are very low key and blend into the white noise of the night to the point where the less I force myself to listen I don't hear them. Many times what I do here is when the sprinklers, and then they quickly disappear into the fabric of the background noise. Invariably, I have to hear these noises when I do the old man thing of having to take a whizz in the middle of the night and I pull this night audio quilt up around my ears close my eyes and try to wring a few more minutes or hours of sleep out of my evening

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