Friday, August 23, 2019

Hidden Peaks

Coffee shops that close at 2 p.m. are not worthy of the name coffee shop. Hidden peaks is just such a coffee shop but I love the place anyway and always well. Because you see Hidden Peaks is kind of my third-place, you know that place Ray Oldenburg talks about the place is not home or the workplace but a place which is neutral in between. I think the third-place is a great concept. The third-place became much more important to me after my last divorce. I really didn't have a home to invite anyone to. I mean I've got place, the apartment, here at this senior housing project. But as the description I just wrote implies “senior housing project”. I'm not ashamed of the place it's just I don't have anywhere to have people when they come over not that I've really had anyone come over. And no longer have a workplace so that's that but I do have hidden peaks which would be a great third-place except for as the introduction to this blog says Hidden Peaks close at 2 PM! 2 PM!? A couple weeks ago my buddy Lori, Lori is my writing buddy, acting buddy, confident buddy, my FB And Facebook buddy. We often meet for lunch and to discuss various projects, traumas and gossip that seems to surround us in our lives. Lori wanted to meet a couple weeks ago to discuss such a project and she naturally wanted to meet at the coffee shop. The only problem is you want to meet at the time I think like 5 PM and I had inform her that summer hours for Hidden Peaks coffee shop is 8 AM to 2 PM. I couldn't believe it when I read the sign on the door illustrating the new times. I had to inform Lori that we wouldn't be meeting at the coffee shop we defaulted to Village Inn – and I don't really hate the Village Inn by think it's immoral to force patrons to buy a whole tumbler/pot of coffee when they just want a cuppa Joe. Not only do they close at 2 PM on Saturday the night open on Sunday! What kind of place which specializes in coffee does not open on Sunday mornings? Kind of un-American if you ask me which is kind of a joke because the whole place is kind of redneck. The only station on their flat-screen TVs and around the shop is Fox news. It's kind of fun to go there on Saturday mornings after 8 o'clock to have quite a redneck crew and yes I mean that a little disparagingly. There's a couple of tables which are pushed together to make one large table that the main group sits at and goes over the topics of the day usually an item covered by Fox news which means it's usually something around Trump or one of his latest tweets. It's entertaining is is always one liberal sitting at the table at least is not afraid to speak his mind things rarely get contentious to the point where people stopped talking and move away from each other but there is a light boil of tension around the tables. Sometimes I pick a table close to the Fox table just to listen but usually I just grabbed by Java and head out back to the apartments. Sadly, Village Inn, Is as conservative as Hidden Peaks but at least they stay open past 2 PM and they are open on the Sabbath should we ever need to meet on the holy day.If there is a court of clichés would certainly bring charges against Hidden Peaks in the fact that they had the balls to refer to themselves as a coffee shop. I'd strip them of that designation and find them for every Sunday they are not open…

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