Saturday, August 24, 2019

Dead Pool, Mickey D and Other Guilty Pleasures

I live in a senior housing project. Those who have followed this blog over the years know that. I am blessed however because even though these apartments are for senior living there quite large as far as I'm concerned. I'm fortunate to have room to keep my backup power chair along with my manual chair (of course folded) and some storage not much. I don't quite remember when yesterday day before was targeted one of the other residents (resident sound so geriatric living) or neighbors and we were discussing how wonderful/grand it would be to have a washer dryer inside our unit. Seriously, I'm sure this is one of those issues of first world problems. After all, we have a suitable laundry area at the end of the hall… All the way to the end of the hall. This should be a major problem if all I had was my manual chair but with the power chair is no big deal really. And I can do everything independently which is a blessing And recently my home health person, Annette has started doing my laundry into the washer and then into the dryer when she has free time when I'm processing through my morning bowel routine leaving me only having to the dry close at the end of the cycle. So seriously, do I need washer dryer in my apartment? Of course the answer is yes if I could get away with it I would try to make a place to put a washer dryer stack are whatever I need in the apartment here. Just seem civilized to be able to throw load into the washer and then into the dryer in the comfort of your own home/apartment. Of course that's not going to happen but if we can do wishes that would be one of mine

I've gotten quite proficient at cutting watermelons. I like processing the watermelons almost as much as eating them. I spent a couple hours on YouTube and was fascinated to see how many different people had posted ways to cut watermelon. I like the method where the cut the end off the melon so you have a way to stand up and then methodically cut the sites off leaving a a rectangle of watermelon fruit without the outer rind. I then enjoy cutting off planks of watermelon than cutting them into strips and putting them into plastic boxes into the fridge. The watermelon's always available, cold and manageable to eat preferably with sharp cheddar. I've done quite a few militants a season and will be sad in the fall gets here in the watermelons vanish for a short season. I think watermelon is my favorite fruit.

Guilty pleasures: yesterday I followed through with a fantasy I've messed with the last couple years special with the advent of the Marvel franchise and Spiderman, Iron Man and of course Dead Pool. My cleaning person was here and we change the sheets to my bed and she noted that the one sheet is getting pretty ratty and she's having to figure out how to place the sheet on the mattress so the ripped places don't show through. I decided I was going to order twin bed sheets with my favorite Marvel characters starting with Dead Pool. I think it was about $24. I still want to order Spiderman and Ironman eventually. I'm also going to get a comforter with the images on the think would be great. My sheets should be here tomorrow. I went shopping for watermelon today and since I was by McDonald's and I had not had lunch I ordered my favorite McDonald's burger cheeseburger. It was a dollar three and I loved it. Guilty pleasures


Dennis said...

Elizabeth married me even though I had Superman sheets on my bed in 1983.

Dennis said...

Elizabeth married me even though I had Superman sheets on my bed in 1983.