Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dream A Little Dream Of Me…

I just started a new thing last week or so. Since a lot of dreams happen just before one wakes I've been interested in trying to keep not necessarily a journal but a record of some of these dreams because more than once these movies of my unconscious have ended up being blog entries. I'm doing is somewhat out of desperation because every time I either think of something are just dreamt something in a lying in bed thinking well I'll remember that when it comes time to blog but you know what I just get frustrated and never can remember. So now, since I sleep with my cell phone next to me anyway, I'm going to make an effort when I think of something our dream of something I'm going to roll over open up my InkPad NotePad software which I use for all my notetaking, then dictate the ideas I am having. The only drawback is trying to make sense of my writing a couple hours later when I wake for the day. Many times, I have to rack my brain and try to remember what I was thinking about at 2:17 AM. Case in point the other day I had been texting my old friend DTM and we had been talking about a lot of the people in our old religious unit, the Ward. What a hoot anyway so later on that night or maybe it was the day after I had some kind of a dream which I think I'm going to include the entirety that I wrote just to show you how bizarre it sounded when I reread the creation. Sometimes it works sometimes I'm hoping to get some good stuff. “I just woke from a dream they[the dreams]'s danced all themselves, our friends[were] in some young version of our[a younger] lives[we were all living] together[and] somehow we developed a computer company and mrs. Dolls just coming home from a work thing or a trip [and] Dennis [was going to have to tell her about the business that's [was] going to freak her[because of the rampage Mr. doll elicits] out so we're trying to figure out how to go about doing… it it's not really a blog title item but just want to write it down for I forgot anything more very happy days type of dream.” So you can see trying to write down something understandable immediately following a dream is a crapshoot at best of getting something usable but actually it's kind of fun as I'm writing out this post. I'll be interested in seeing what else this new project of mine might render.I can't help this but we talking about weird things that could happen in a dream. But this is a piece of news, national news, and that is: the guy wants to buy or take over Greenland! Seriously, this is something that can only come from a rattled, drug-induced dream but you know what? It's real. These are crazy times causing crazy nights causing crazy dreams.

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