Saturday, July 06, 2024

Hard read


I have to admit I'm trying to be a little bit more highbrow and elevate my reading selections a little bit. So a couple weeks ago maybe a month or so I ordered what I thought was one volume and what I got was a book by  Salman Rushdie the Pakistan are Indian writer who is pretty famous at least it seems like to me. I would never have ordered one of his books on purpose. I decided to keep the book however after paging through it a little bit and after I finished the book I had been reading the started reading this one. I don't know if it's supposed to be serious or if it's a comedy or what. All I know is the print is pretty small and it's a pretty thick book and it's taking me forever and that's reading a couple Pages a day. It's kind of interesting from the standpoint of how he develops his characters and has their relationships one with another I can't tell if he's again mocking English writing or Western World in general or this is how the Eastern folks right. My naivety is great. I don't know if I have the tenacity to stick with reading the whole thing but I'm going to give it a shot. I really think they're supposed to be humorous aspects to the writing but I don't know if that's just poor translations or what. But I understand this guy is pretty famous and I certainly remember all the talk about him a couple years ago seems like he was taking some kind of political stance or something for one of his writing pieces. And according to this volume I'm reading now he has accumulated all kinds of literary awards so I think people are taking him serious and I'm sure trying to. I just don't know if I have like I said the strength to wrestle down all the different things he writes about and who he writes about and how he writes about the things he writes about know that sounds pretty strange. I have this place out by the dumpsters which is relatively quiet that I can lean against the wall- - it's a brick wall cinder block wall- - and read and be propped up the Chelsea read a great deal better than trying to read just sitting here with no abdominal supports. But I tend to read then I'll not off and somebody will come and throw something in the garbage dumpster which will shake me out of my stupor. Mind you most of the time people never even see me sitting behind the dumpsters between the brick wall and the dumpsters itself. I'm sure I'm getting all kinds of weird comments made about me being the dumpster reader but that's okay it works and hardly anyone ever stops and talks to me so I can actually do a lot of reading. I have ample shade and that helps a lot. It's kind of hard to stay out there on the super hot days but I get by reading this volume one page at a time I'll saw through it

1 comment:

Dennis said...

You should keep reading, it is a great book. It was written in English so there is no translation problem.