Thursday, August 01, 2024

Happy August :-(

 I certainly would not use the term distraught but I totally frustrated and slightly confused. Once again I've managed to lose but I feel is a bunch of money more than $100. It's the first of the month as you are aware and I took off to the credit union to work on a problem I'm having with my cell phone account but the same time I wanted to make sure I had enough cash on hand for the month and besides my brother's birthday is is the 5th and we generally send each other $100 bill. So I got the regular cash I needed in $100 bill. Oh yeah I also had to get a card. Anyway of course I get home and I know I had the envelope with the money in it when I got home cuz I had to pull out of 20 to go up to the drugstore to buy it the card since I forgot to buy it when I was out to the bank. I even remember put in the envelope somewhere in the apartment thinking that I should be able to remember where this is at and then I left. Of course when I got back and had the card made out and was going to stuff the card and mail it I couldn't find the cash anywhere in the apartment not to say that it's not here I just cannot find it. I'm past panicking, I Will Survive regardless, I just feel bad I'm not going to be able to send my brother $100 bill. I probably would have done more searching had my chair not been almost at zero power as far as the indicator went on my control box. The power indicator said I was down to 1%, flashing red and basically telling me to stay put or start charging the chair. Luckily I had my tablet charged up and I watched an Avenger movie as well as local news and such while the charger is plugged in I think the most time I spent charging was 45 minutes and that gave me a little bit of a charge I mean I was able to take the mail down to the post office boxes and put them in for tomorrow's mail. I decided to send my brother his birthday card sends the money with an explanation that I would get him his present when I come across it…:-).

I would hate to think that somebody entered into my apartment and found the money and took it. That would be on me to some degree since I don't lock my door but I just don't see too many people in this place even capable of doing something like that. I guess if I really felt shafted I could talk Jennifer into let me see the hall tapes. They have cameras running all the time down the Halls so seriously I could see if someone entered my apartment while I was gone. Seriously however I doubt that would be so. There is one chance oh to that possibly I thought I put the money somewhere and it was on my person somewhere instead and I've lost it. If that's the case like I said I Will Survive. I hope that somebody who needs the money really really needs the money finds it and it will help them out. I was so unnerved about losing the money I forgot to even write about almost Burning Down the apartment. That will have to wait for another day however I think I have my 500 Words…

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