Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Making Sawdust

 I've been trying all day to remember just exactly where I was at yesterday when I lost my hook that I carry with me usually all the time in case I drop something that needs to be picked up that I can hook with it like my packet that I keep my wallet in and stuff or if I'm wearing a jacket or a hat or something and it falls to the ground I can use my hook to easily pick it up without having to ask assistance from anybody. I've had this one hook now for oh I don't know about a year in fact my older brother Carl assisted me with repairing this hook at one time by putting . the metal band around the top and then cinching the band tight. I did not actually know that I'd lost the hook because it slid between my legs and my hooks tend to do that but I don't necessarily lose them. They just end up dragging their end on the ground but in this case I actually lost the hook and I wasn't till I was quite a ways away from or it may have fallen. So, today being washed day I felt I was going to need the hook in case I needed to pull the clothes from the dryer well actually, I knew I was going to have to pull the clothes from the dryer. I had to free up my little workshop that I have in my apartment which I used to make my hooks. Sadly I have let a number of things take over my little shopmate workmate bench and I had to get close enough to a power source to run my drill. The drill magically showed up this morning after my home health person left. I was really hoping that I could talk her into drilling the holes into the sticks for my hooks but of course the drill was deep in the vortex at that point and wouldn't show up until she left. And right on schedule about 10 minutes after she left I moved some things around my desk and there is my drill. I ended up dragging the drill and workbench into the bedroom where they have some raised electrical outlets. First I had to cut the ends off a couple of the sticks so I'd have a flat service to drill into. Luckily I was able to find my hand saw which allowed me to make fast work of preparing the sticks.

I made three hooks today one hook to be used to help pull the clothes out of the dryer and two longer hooks for helping out here the apartment reaching for things I cannot get two from my power chair. It took me forever to find the hooks themselves. I'd purchased 5 or 10 of them the number of months ago but I did some other hooks that I'm having to replace now. I don't know how long the hooks tend to last 6 or 10 months sometimes a year but sooner or later I end up rolling over him and breaking the stick then I cut it down drill another hole into what's left and make a long stick of short stick ready to use again. I love my little wood shop in my apartment I just wish I had more projects to work on…. Ps I made it to the night without issue I guess it was just gas but I was ready for the worst: I was totally wrapped in mattress protector type items

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the projects, keep up the good work!