Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Of Vagabonds and Una-bombers

It was not really cold yesterday when I went to the movies but still, I felt like I needed to wear something just in case they had the air conditioning on the bus or in the movies or something and I didn't want to have to wear a heavy jacket so I ended up taking a blanket one of the flannel type blankets I have kicking around here. I've been using these pieces of flannel to wrap around my legs when I go out in the cold weather. This gives me that institutional look like so desire. However, I also wrap blanket around my neck like a muffler or shawl and then I have something to keep me warm should I need such a device. I didn't really pay much attention to what I was wearing until I rolled in from of a shop window or something and I could see there is a piece hanging down behind me then I saw the shadow on the ground as I traveled from the bus stop on the way home. Then I realized once again I am beginning to look like a hobo a bum someone who's just marginal.

I must've just – that thought in the back of my mind but must have been the kernel of inspiration for part of a dream sequence I had during the night about being homeless, being dirty being unkept and pathetic. I would like to think this would not really affect me much in real life but the more I laid there post dream the more I really didn't want to be one of those public transit hobos. I know things are always magnified beyond recognition in the dream. I suppose it's the way the body/brain let you know that you might need to be paying attention to something. Of course, once I realized what was happening I began to distance myself from my gut feeling which I don't know if that's all that healthy. But all day long I've been thinking about my appearance and do I need to be working on it. Perhaps its rationalization but you know I did order new shirts the last month or so and I did order a new hoodie. Sometimes I were the hoodie or a heavy sweater around my neck like a preppy. Perhaps this is what I need to do instead of wrapping the blanket around my shoulders. It's when the blanket hangs down or drags behind me that I think I am most at risk for looking downtrodden. The bottom line is that I need to care what I look like and then work at it. Nothing like a good cliché insert (nothing of value ever comes easy or something like that) and I suppose it's true. If I really cared I would be wearing socks socks in the summertime and socks in the wintertime. I would also where long pants especially in the wintertime. I think that's when people notice most of person that wheelchair and shorts. I'm not going to do the latter two items just because one I'm lazy and to I'm cheap. I have found that I cut my clothes washing experience probably in half. I also cut the weight of the dirty clothes hamper in half as well lugging the close back-and-forth to the washer and dryer. I could wear socks with us just another item I have to take off to go to bed. I just don't know why this creeps me out so much should not I shouldn't care but apparently how I appear in public does. You know I did some research on shawls a little while ago and found that there are some made for men – – Middle East men. What if I got one of those to wrap around my shoulders and then I just have to be cautious about being targeted as the Unabomber…

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