Monday, November 25, 2019

Permanent Record

It's not like I'm going to make a federal case out of it but I've learned one has a to nip these things in the bus or theyll come back and nip you when least expected. Since my incoming mail amount has become so insignificant basically sales circulars and bills I am now checking my mail twice or three times a week and that's about it. Last Friday was one of those days when I checked the mail and there is a document from the treaty college where I took my class last summer, you remember, the sketching class. The class that defeated by desire to return to academia even just to audit. Anyway this document was a “Demand Letter”. This document indicated that I owed the community college money for this semester's courses that I'm taking but guess what!?! I'm not taking any courses. Remember, summer class wore me out. That was going during the good weather, sunshine, clouds, nice breezes kids in summer dress. I knew I did not want to try to schlepped my art portfolio back and forth from the apartment the class and back again three or four times a week in cooling to cold weather, snow blowing sideways and sidewalks not scraped, ice clogged and paralyzed hands further paralyzed by severe cold weather. I knew I didn't want that so I knew I didn't register for any classes for fall semester.

I waited a day or so then I tried to call and pretty much got the bum's rush saying that I had to take care of it over the Internet. So the next day I dialed into the community college and in fact the closest thing I could do was download the form filled out and return that to the community college. I decide I want to talk to a human being but I went to the process anyhow downloading the document filled out as much as I could and then today – – a day I should've stayed in because of sideways snow – – I bundled up in trundled over to the community college. Lori had to work today so I figured why not have coffee with Lori after I finished my work with the registrars/admissions office. Luckily, the process was not too traumatic however it look like I might run into a problem with my first school representative but was quickly rescued by José another school type behind day counter who came to our rescue and fixed the issues least he said he did. I'm relying on his expertise. However, I would not be surprised if I am haunted further by this snafu. After all the bill was for $10. What was interesting was that first campus representative was insisting that I registered for the class but never showed up. The class was some archaeology class and I have no interest in archaeology at all of these from that standpoint. It was then when José intervened and hopefully save my hide. The biggest issue are probably did not want to have occur was something to show up on my “permanent record” and cost me pain on the next class I do audit if I do audit another class...

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