Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Delight

I have to admit I felt a little guilty this morning as I prepped the turkey breast I had purchased the other day for my Thanksgiving dinner. Guilty because I had possibly to Thanksgiving dinner plates coming over today maybe even three. It's not like I portrayed myself this all lonely and isolated I didn't people volunteered and I really couldn't say no but after last night's production of turkey dressing and candied yams I was just in the mood to cook this morning and cooked I did.

The snow fell not in the great quantities that the kind of promised – – again, which is okay by me since I'm the one I has to get out in it when it's time to go out again. But it was just enough snow and just nasty enough that I felt comfortable in contacting the folks who are bringing the Thanksgiving plates over to tell them to just sit tight home and be safe and warm. My dentist who is going to bring something over at around lunchtime I figured would not smell my turkey that I'd roasted all morning over the smell of his plate. However, Alan the dentist called to let me know that you might be running a little bit late like two or three hours. I thought he looked fairly close to the action is out in Herman which is really quite a bit away from here and they really got nailed with snow. We had to dig out people in his neighborhood (he's got this gigantic truck) plus he had to do some running around for his wife like to the market so I just said hey don't worry about it. I then told him that I had gone ahead and cooked my own dinner that I'd made all the fixings and he seemed to be relieved. However, I was pleased that he said that he would be coming into town/office tomorrow think that he stop by my apartment so he can just chat and that's what I was so interested in any way just some buddy bonding. So, you can be dropping by sometime tomorrow… Interesting.

So I basically diffused all the Thanksgiving dinners that was coming my way and I had the great weight lifted from my shoulders. As I totally got into during the turkey in the oven setting the timer and enjoying my Thanksgiving day. I really intended to spend time working on Lori Brock's project but I'm having a bit of a challenge setting up my devices to the transcription. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll have more time to devote to Lori's project. Of course cooking takes punch of the old kitchen so I need to spend some time cleaning it up. However, tomorrow is my shower day and Annette will be here not only in the morning but in the afternoon as well.

I spent a lot of time with Dianne today texting which is always enjoyable. I'm worried about the brother-in-law which keeps attacking her in the Christian fashion that's okay no problem. I'm not sure how much snow are going to get tonight were supposed to get some.

More snow is forecast for tonight and tomorrow. I've got leftovers, I've got a project and other projects to keep me busy. I really don't have to go out again and tell next Tuesday. So I've got a lot to be thankful for… I hope you do too.

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