Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sleep You Lose

I thought about taking in a movie this afternoon. It's Sunday the hardly anyone, in this community, goes to the movies on Sunday. Therefore, it's a great time to sit back and enjoy the movie without everybody followed all over you. Of course as it happens, once again I waited too long.Today I was really considering The latest Stephen King offering, Dr. Sleep.I almost went to the movie last week however the screening is not offered at the time I could facilitate so instead I went to Ford versus Ferrari or something like that a pretty good film For what it was but not a Stephen King that's for sure. I'm sure the film is supposed to be frightening or scary and will probably have a lot of loud noises and cutaway scenes thrown instantly in your face which I guess could be identified as scary which is too bad because often that's not how I have read what King has written. I actually read the novel couple years ago of course can barely remember anything but I did enjoy the document. If I was really committed to seeing this film I could research and find out what other theaters are showing the good Dr. sleep. However, that would mean going out finding a bus route that would meet my need we could probably be about 22 or State Street. However it's just cold enough and a storm is wandering in that I decided to forgo the pleasure of movies today and maybe wait till cheap seat Tuesdays offerings. So instead of movies I'm actually thinking about getting a jump on my Christmas cards. I noticed today's timestamp November 24 that means this time next month it will be Christmas Eve. Unbelievable. So I'm going to consider digging out my stash of Christmas cards and begin filling them out with the idea of dumping them in the mail the first week of December which will be a record for me. I probably won't do much more than my immediate family unless I try to expand my definition of family to include, now, biological family which would certainly be a lot more stamps and creativity. Luckily, I don't have addresses for the newbies but I guess I better start putting together some sort of directory. I don't drink much anymore if ever (not a morality issue a weight gain issue) but like to imagine myself like in some 50s Christmas Carol/cigarette/booze advertisement of sitting at my desk with a cc seven at my side pen in hand writing out clever Christmas cards with Bing Crosby in the background crooning away about white Christmas. Speaking of white Christmas maybe instead of being Crosby crooning I would be watching their antics on the screen watching my addition of Holiday Inn. The only problem I have at this juncture is that I would really hate to send the same card out this year as I did last or maybe even the year before that. There's usually 25 cards to a box which could mean at least two years of Christmas cards. Hopefully, none of our brothers and sisters are keeping count aside for just checking off the fact that I remembered and that the they are Christmas card directory. I know I would never remember they sent me the same card twice.I know it's off Fifth Avenue but it's one of the things I like most about the Christmas season…

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