Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Contractors love hate relationship

I'm doing okay oh, I'm trying not to be frustrated after all I've worked with contractors before and I know there's always a glitch regardless of how will the work turns out. today has been a good a good  case in point. The boys showed up a little after 8 this morning to work on the project. There was two of them and expected it would take very little time at all probably just the morning. it really was not a whole lot for me to do again so I decided I would take off and see if I could find the patches for my shorts at Costco actually I really wanted to just get out and do some traveling but I did need to have my glasses looked at as well. I figured this would be the best way to make sure I didn't get into the way of the contractors. The trip was uneventful which is cool. And I totally enjoyed the time just cruising around Costco wishing I could purchase stuff but not knowing what to do with it after I got it. I did get in line for services at the eyeglass place and finally got my number called and the  little technician spent a lot of time monkeyed with my glasses and actually got them fairly presentable and usable. Finally after lunch I wandered back home after stopping off at the hospital playing with the idea of getting something to eat at their cafeteria but eventually declining. I figured I would get something at the Walmart area I eventually caved and got something from McDonald's a fish sandwich and I have to say as calorie-laden as it was it tasted wonderful.

I was not in a hurry so I waited for the bus and eventually got home wandering into my Apartments and impressed with the look of the floors but more so with the chaos that awaited me from the way the contractors stuffed everything back into the apartment. Granted, I have little complain about because if I wanted to have their help putting stuff back and direct them I should have stuck around but I didn't so now I'm having to pay the consequences. Perhaps the most significant is they totally disconnected my computer and how I'm connected to the internet. Plus all of the cords that I had things plugged in everything from my arm bike to the computers are undone. Luckily I'm able to get to a lot of the plugins and I've been able to get the basics plugged in like my arm bike and more importantly my bed. So I can make it through the night until Annette gets here tomorrow and maybe we can get blue bit more done. I have to be patient and realize this is what it's going to take the chaos which is my apartment is what happens when you do contractors. perhaps the most frustrating part of this trauma is the loss of the internet and my connection I finally got connected but it's a slow connection I think I'm using the internet from the apartment complex and not my Infinity connection and there is a major difference. I'm going to have to see if tomorrow I can get Ted to give me some time as well as and that maybe Marc Anthony if I can get ahold of him either way I've got a beautiful floor... 

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