Monday, June 29, 2020

Dance All Night

The day started out feeling more like fall within the beginning of the second week of summer. Dark clouds covered my window as I waited for my home health person to show up. I was excited because she was showing up at 6:30 AM which is like an hour earlier than she usually does. Annette kind of apologized for having to come over so really what in fact I would much rather have her showing up consistently at 630 if not 6:00 AM. As you all know I function better the earlier even if sometimes I might enjoy sleeping in a bit. I just don't do sleep as well besides there's way too much to consider in this world to wasted on sleeping after you've already had your five hours. I've kind of been thinking of this a lot, the amount sleep that I get I know, I've rattled on over the years about my lack of ability to sleep. However once again I'm examining my schedules asleep and consciousness.

Billie, my good friend across the hall, whoever believes in her 80s but she still pretty spry but beginning to really suffer the slings and arrows of age. She's been talking to me recently about RLS or Restless Leg Syndrome, dancing legs. RSL is a phenomenon I get the impression which is often visited upon seniors, but a brief scan of literature reveals that RSL can strike at any time but often it is seniors who are the target. I guess, that usually attacks when you're in bed trying to get some desperately desired sleep in your legs become agitated and I guess painful but I cannot determine whether the pain is just frustration from spasms or if there's real actual hurt hurt pain associated with the restless legs. My neighbors beside herself about what to do. Biggest frustration as going to bed waking up at 3:30 AM or earlier, giving up and then wandering around her apartment eating and being frustrated. She can take a bath and sometimes that helps. I suggested a masseuse but she has tried that option and said the process was extremely painful and so she's gun shy of attempting that remedy again. Possibly, I thought, acupuncture. I always throughout acupuncture when dealing with bodily pain and other physical issues that Western medicine has kind of thrown its arms up in frustration at not being able to relieve the patient of the condition. Very few of those I've made that suggestion have actually gone through the acupuncture regimen by still can't believe it. When I was practicing with Dr. McIntyre years ago at the free clinic, Mac was very willing to look at all options obviously he had me working with him. Mac was fascinated with Eastern medicine and often indicated that Western medicine could take a few points from practitioners from the eastern portion of the world.

I don't think that I helped her at all with my suggestions of acupuncture and therapeutic massage maybe it was just enough that I spent time listening to her and her frustration. I gave her my opinion which I don't think she really appreciated which was maybe she has to just rear just urban lifestyle around her restless legs and just get used to sleeping in till 10:30 AM or later. I think I'm losing my counseling touch…

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