Sunday, June 07, 2020

Sunday Breakfast For One

I woke this morning, kind of late, actually. I slept in I think because the low pressure system had moved in a wet storm overnight and brought the temperature down significantly. Before going the bed last night I actually shut the window because I was frightened that it the temperature might be too chilly and I may not have enough covers since I remove the comforter last bad remake. I did the bed snuggle thing until 8 a.m. then finally jumped out of bed.

The clouds are dark and menacing looking out the window rain was falling and I figured it was a good day to cook. I really do like Sundays for cooking. What are the things I miss most about being divorced is not having someone to cook for especially on Sunday mornings. I don't know what what's my motivation today maybe it was a clean kitchen since yesterday Annette was over. I wanted to use up the rest of the sausage gravy I've been kind of nursing all week with the last of the Frozen baking powder biscuits. I've even used a couple of pieces of toast broken up which actually is not a bad way to go with baking soda biscuits. But today I really wanted to see could I do it can I throw together some biscuits from scratch?

I washed the big yellow bowl plastic with a handle, the bowl is big enough for at least a gallon of whatever. I don't use it that much but it's really convenient and I should use it more often. But soon I had the three-quarters of a cup of milk, I used buttermilk just because  the buttermilk which I had  for another  project that I never used .  I had two of those little pint containers  a buttermilk .  Just perfect  for what I needed , 2 cups of flour, three quarter teaspoon of salt 2 teaspoons baking soda and even the 8 tablespoons of shortening what's really seems like a lot. As I got along with the project I became excited because I was able to use a lot of buy new pieces of equipment. My new rolling pin - made of aluminum, my biscuit cutters and finally my device that I used to cut the grease into the flour but work great! Flip zip and a little stirring and soon I had a a ball of dough ready to roll out but yeah I did. I loved my biscuit cutters. I made about 12 rolls 6 larger than the others. Threw them in the oven and 15 minutes later I had biscuits. Microwave the gravy, I even fried an egg and had a real breakfast. I must confess I wanted a fried egg but when I broke the egg into the frying pan the egg did not stay together. However, I cook the egg at a low enough Heat I pretty much push the egg together and the yolk was just running enough and complemented biscuit and gravy. I made a bit of a mess but not too bad it should clean up easy in the sink is clean. My hardest task was eating on me 1 biscuit-- yeah you're right I had two and the biscuits and gravy were great ...

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