Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Peewee Herman And Me

 I don't know if it's the time were living in or I'm just hypersensitive towards social aggression or maybe society itself is just disintegrating and I am sensing that firsthand and first person. I'm really try not to make a big deal out of this event but still the event is festering in the back of my mind and I'm not really quite sure what to do with it. Yesterday, I went to the market pick a few things up and I was pretty much money my own business when I turned the corner just at the same time as this older black person who's looked a little grizzled was in my way. I smiled and try to move out of the way at the same time he Sort of moved in my way we're doing that awkward “two-step”. In most situations when that happens both parties smile or kind of laugh and let the other person pass which I fully expected was going to happen on the situation. Finally I stop and I waved him around but he won't go he snaps his fingers a couple times and tells me to go through which I have no problem with complying but what was weird was as I passed by him he mumbles something like “you stupid idiot”. I have to admit I was totally shocked. You know when you have one of those moments you can really quite believe happened happened. I was caught in a moment of indecision of you I confront the individual and asking why he makes its remark, or just suck it up and go on my way or the sophomore and respond in like manner and I can't believe I took the third choice. I mumbled my retort (with apologies to Pee-wee Herman) “well, it takes one to know one”. I couldn't believe I said that. I just rolled on my way didn't dare turn around let's see if he was coming after but even then I was embarrassed that I took the bait and responded in like manner. Usually I'm so befuddled I don't even make a response and only spend the rest of the day thinking of responses I should've made and wish I had made them. Today however everything worked just right and I responded. I don't know if the old geezer heard me and quite frankly I don't care. I know I didn't deserve the comment in the first place not that that justifies my response but still, I didn't do anything wrong. What I'm wondering is what I've been thinking about since the incident is this just more of our society becoming unraveled? Is this a black man who with all the social unrest that's going on right now with the riots and everything striking out at me, the white guy, in the market We just happen to be in his way. Maybe it has nothing to do with race baby has everything to do with disability. Like what is this guy doing this big old power chair blocking my way? Or maybe this is a guy who's angry because some other guy in a power wheelchair, at one time or another, rolled over his foot and the disgruntled minority guy is never gotten over. Regardless of the situation it feels like the social fabric is unraveling and I hate the idea of me getting stuck in the middle of the unraveling. I suppose it's a bit selfish and admit self protective but if I don't look after myself who will?

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