Wednesday, March 10, 2021

602 S. Latah


This is the closest any objective findings the green shade house on Latah of course this is only a portion and this is the middle family

I've talked about my early morning revelation/inspiration where thoughts sometimes tumbled into my mind and I can't really get rid of them at the moment however they tend to fade as I gain more consciousness in the day erases the ideas even further, nothing but a frustration in my chest that wanted to be born but because my inactivity was not. If I sacrifice the possibility of further sleep rolling over and accessing my cell phone , my equivalent of a notepad and paper by my bed, and dictating if you comments I can develop these thoughts into beautiful/pristine documents. Obviously that never happens is you have yet to find those kind of documents. I have done this before though and at least allows me to develop these ideas. The trade-off in doing so however is that when I do such a thing invariably I become too excited and basically have to kiss off sleep for the rest of the day.

Today,once again, I had such inspirations. Today I away thinking about the house on Latah Street, you know the one 602 S. Latah? The green shade house? I was surprised a few moments ago I actually do a search on the blog for “Latah” Street and I was totally surprised at how many blog postings I've done regarding not only Latah but early-morning ponderings. This is not new territory but what is was actually taking the pondering to a new step. I held onto the inspiration and by the way today's inspiration was the layout of the house by that I mean the floor plan. Many times I play with the idea of sketching out the floor plans but I never get around to it and I don't know I don't know if my thoughts are valid. A couple of days ago I spoke with my older brother and asked him this question and would he be willing to sketch out the floor plan of the flat out told me he just didn't remember about the house which has been interpreted for me as he doesn't want to think about that time in his life and I have to let him have that goes I guess it was pretty rough there for a while. So I called his older sister Faye, the potato Chip chick. What a great idea! Not only did she remember this Faye has an incredible memory which is also a trained draftsperson working for Lockheed or some other airplane Corporation out of Kansas.

I was so excited when I got her on the phone this morning and went over the idea with her. Of course she said she would do the project and even more exciting was she be excited to do that project. I told just to sketch something not a problem but she said no she would do it professional that's what she is trained to do. Then she told me a lot of stories about the old place that I did know anything about. I didn't know that when my dad and his family moved into that place sometime during the 40s that the place didn't even have a bathroom to have an outhouse top of the chicken coop. But even more exciting was that my dad had actually dictated his history onto a CD-ROM that all the family was supposed of gotten a course which I did not get but I won't go into that. My sister Faye is going to make a copy are downloaded to her hard drive and send me a copy of the document over email. This is just totally exciting I can hardly wait.I hope she's quick at least with the drawings I don't know why this excites me so much but it does… I miss that old place

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