Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Time to Time


Sometimes I just have to laugh at myself I'm such a goof head. I mean I can shoot myself in the foot so easy that really frightens me. I just don't think things through well enough. I don't remember if I blogged about me making my appointment to have my wound on my leg looked at at the medical center. I want to go in immediately but they wouldn't see me until today, Tuesday. In the meantime I got kind of spooked and ended up going to the Doc in the box/the care who dressed my wound and after I informed him that I'd also made an appointment for Tuesday he encouraged me to go ahead and keep the appointment. He said it be good medicine to follow up on the room care that my current state of medical grace and Pro action I did just that even though I knew I would have an Assist, Inc. meeting as I do every Tuesday morning.

In my defense I did request and was given as a 9:15 AM appointment which I thought the wound will be basically better by Tuesday morning especially taking the medication. I envisioned just a visit to the doctor's office Wham Bam in and out and I am on train downtown. I mean, I don't know why my right mind I thought I could make it. Later in that same call the person amended the time to 10:15 AM and after it sure why not Wham Bam I should be able to do that to – – I'm special. I really thought I could do it. I felt a little bit of pressure when I missed the bus and had to wait 30 minutes for the next just to get into the hospital. I had this grandiose idea fabricate inside my mind as I traveled that I was feeling great and all the nurse/doc had to do was pull off the Band-Aid see how great the wound looked at me on my head and send me on my way. Boy was I wrong. I got into the big hospital around 9:45 AM and thought I was doing okay timewise. There is hardly anybody there in the waiting room which gave me great hope. In a fit of assertiveness I let the receptionist know that I was under a time pressure and that I be the least amount of medical intervention to get on my way. I really thought I was going pull it off even at 10 AM I thought sure if I can get in I could do it. I started getting nervous around 10:10 AM and nothing was happening. 10:15 AM came and went and got 10:30 AM I was getting concerned so I let the receptionist know I really needed to get going. She said she was going to go to talk with the doctor. Five minutes later FIVE MINUTES! She let me know the doc was running behind the mid-call me soon. There was about 10:45 AM and I knew I was not going to make my meeting so I called up my Wrangler and let them know I wasn't coming in. This however took a little of the stress off. Just about 11 AM the doc, a young resident – – doctors are so cute when the residents before the world ground them down. Anyway, he was going to do the whole 9 yards. They took my temperature, blood pressure ask me the questions and messed with my chart. And this guy was just the floor show he was prepping before the supervising physician. So in a few minutes the Super and the resident had removed the Band-Aid from my knee/leg and admired the well healing wound. They agreed and thought I was smart for following up with the physicians visit after going to the Insta care. They want to chat, the one to be the cool guys mixing it up with the street guy. I wasn't going anywhere now so I figured what the hell.

I was glad to be gone. I wanted to find somewhere to have lunch and I finally settled for pizza from Costco which really isn't that bad a deal the dollar and $.99 a good sizeslice of pepperoni pizza. No drink just pizza on the run as I headed for the bus feeling guilty that I miss that I voluntary meeting with feeling good to be personally medically responsible…

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