Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sunday Frustration


I hate it! I just hate it! I know passwords are important actually the probably vital but I still hate them there my bane and scourge to my life. I live in dread of power surges or whatever else happens that suddenly wipes clean your password identities. Case in point today of course. I have actually been pretty focused on picking up the apartment trying to mop some of the crowd off the floor in front of the refrigerator following container of cottage cheese slipped out of my hand and exploded on the floor throwing its white scuddy slime all over the floor. This was last night just before bedtime.I should about responsibleand taking the time to mop up the messbut I was exhausted and wanted to get the sack. So I tore a couple of paper towels and threw them on the floor and tapped the paper towels down with one of my hooks hoping they would absorb the fluid. That's a whole other story.

I really wanted to get to my blog early today so I could maybe focus on a few other things but something happened somewhere and when I tried to access the Internet where I keep one of my electoral journals I was denied access I was totally blocked from getting on electronic highway. This is happened before and in the be four times Dianne wrestled down the solution or as able to get a hold of Mark Anthony, my semi-quasi-resident computer expert to come in get me back online. None of those options seem to be available today so, I researched on my cell phone, possible solution which is turning the CPU on and off at the modem level and I just must confess this terrifies me. I just barely know what the modem is not sure even now. But since I did have access to the Internet via my cell phone I checked just to see what would happen and I searched my provider and sure enough they actually had a video of a possible solution. And again just as the notes from the computer instigated that I turned the modem on and off by unplugging the modem from the power source. I tried and tried to pull the modem out with one of my hooks. I could see the modem and legacy of plug-in on the modem and that plug could be pulled out and plugged in our problems would be solved. In frustration I knew I was going to have to see if I could find an able-bodied person with the hand function to do my bidding is that when Iwithout into the hall I saw my neighbor in the parking lot struggling to get groceries from the boot of her car into the building. I usually see her drive into the parking lot and go out and help but I did not see her coming today. So I did go out and help and drafted her into my solution plan and it worked.

Back online I tried to get into my Amazon account and for whatever reason my password was fried it wouldn't work. Rather than try to guess that the last password I used I just submitted the (forgot password) selection and spent the next hour trying to produce a password the machine would accept finally doing so only with the use of my cell phone taking a picture of the password I produced then being able to reproduce that password again in the confirmation section and finally I was back into my Amazon account. So much frustration. I immediately canceled the call I had to my son for help. I was able to download the movie I want to watch this afternoon and maybe have time to watch this evening as I get ready to start a new week. I just don't need this kind of frustration but as the great Bard said “all's well that ends well oh hell!”

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