Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Dr. Richard--Podiatrist


My major event today was my trip to the podiatrist. I have a schedule set up now I visit this guy every nine weeks, rain or shine, I jump the bus itself on Redwood Road to the south Jordan transit hub and then take another bus a few more blocks to the office. What a sweet deal for the podiatrist. They must make a fortune off of seniors whose toes always seem to be needing attention in one form or another. I've been going to Richard (my podiatrist) for about four years now as long as I've been out on my own again. In that time I found that there are one or two podiatrists who come to this building once or twice a year it seems like it could be more about don't think so and does the old people's toes here. I don't think it's humanitarian sure they're all linked into Medicare medical of one sort or another and that's okay I don't begrudge them. Had I known of these visits I may not of never met Richard but I've really grown to like the little guy.

I don't think I gave podiatrists the respect they deserve. I sort of, sadly, equated these guys the same way as I do dentists. These professions are real professions of their own right but should we really call them doctors? Now that I've gotten to know my dimmest personally as I do in the same way with my podiatrist I say yes. Especially, my podiatrist who outlined for me once the whole process of having to go through medical school just like “real” doctors. He had to go through the same process interning and doing a residency. Interestingly as a side note when I was in the dental chair last week I overheard my dentist complain about how disappointed he had been his life as a professional at always having to clarify that he was a doctor of dentistry whenever a reduced is just Dr. Alan. He noted that the only saw a shadow, it seemed, to cross the eyes of the people he's talking to when he identifies himself as a dentist. I could tell that really hurt his feelings. I mean I've often thought while the given the dental school are not just go to medical school? Take the same amount of time in the same classes pretty much. But people maybe people just want to be dentists because the whole dental thing intrigues them to the level of wanting to help humanity from the oral standpoint. In the same holds true with podiatrists. I think there's three brothers and my podiatrists family. Richard has a son just finishing podiatry school will soon be practicing probably with his dad which is great!

Now I know Richard is local culture (LDS) it's obvious but somehow today we begin talking about religious experiences, and I've certainly had my share, it got really strange really quickly and soon we were speaking of casting out demons or demonic possession and experiences we both had (and the market go any further than that right now). Now the LDS faith has a number of different levels just like every faith has some more spiritual than others some more mystic than others and some more charismatic than others. We just briefly scratched the surface but until we both knew what we are both talking about and I don't know if we'll ever get any further than that. Richard of course is a high priest and I of course I'm nonpracticing if not totally out – – if one can ever get totally out of a cult. Did I just say that? Oh well, I better get another cup of coffee and think about it…

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