Saturday, March 13, 2021

Saturday Nightcap blah

I'm not sure what's going on right now but I seem to be a plateau. It could be a transition phase as we go from winter to spring. In fact this evening is the spring ahead phase of daylight savings time. I'm really ambivalent about the whole event except for that fact I'm going to have to mess with all the clocks in the house but have to be changed now. I have a digital clock by my bed, there is one on my computerspace CPU, this clock is a Deseret industries digital clock which cost a dollar. By about five of a couple years ago just let always have one.then there are other clocks in the kitchen when on the stove to just be reset, and microwave clock. I'm getting more and more proficient at setting these clocks so the process does not intimidate me nearly as much as it used to plus I have all the directions to the smart clocks close by. So I spring ahead today at 2 AM. This always confuses me I try to figure out that men go to have more daylight at the end of the day are just exactly what. I just end up having to live through the day to see how it's going to work out. Usually by Monday him acclimated and begin as we begin the second year of lockdown released pandemic awareness time distancing the matters near as much as it used to.

I did my recreational jaunt up to the market this afternoon. I have pretty much wasted the day watching old Marvel movies – – and they are old now – – I could not get motivated to do anything else quite frankly I'm surprised I dreamt last down to the market. I only went for bananas I only have one banana left so I figure that would be a fast run but I got sidetracked and other events. I even purchased a half a pound of brisket – – which I never do is to fatty but I got some today. And besides bananas I got expensive hotdog buns and a loaf of bread. I'm sure want to go to use two of the hotdog buns and probably four pieces of bread before it goes bad. I even got potato chips which I need like a hole in the head. I replenished by grape supply – – this time I went with green grapes – – more cottage cheese is some incidental vegetables like green pepper. It was kind of strange because none of the usual checkers were working today which kind of bummed me out. I really like seeing the regular crew. It gives me some form regularity but were all off tonight I felt cheated.

I was kind of surprised at how chilly the ride home was from the market. I was vexed as I waited for the light to cross the intersection. Seemed to take forever before changed my favor. People are beginning to brave the restaurants, markets and bars I guess. Enough people of been immunized that folks are beginning to let their guard down and get back in the public. The lights at the local restaurants seem to be shining brighter this evening as I came home. It seemed that people really were out and about trying to enjoy the evening. I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best make sure I've got my mask at the ready

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