Monday, March 01, 2021

March Meandering


I don't know what the mistake I made today was except I got lazy. I had time to do my stuff, ample time to do my arm bike as well as the blog – – I mean really what else to do during this day? Granted, while service person was late today really significantly. I took time to build breakfast which is pretty decent but in doing so used up precious time I use for my daily routine. Oh, I remember, I washed clothes that was the difference. I never watched close on but because I changed the sheets Friday I wanted to get sheets washed out of the way as well as the winter clothes/jackets etc.I still have more to do wash flies but I didn't work out because I would be in and out checking my wash. Actually I also wrote a couple letters after all it is the first of the month. This is the routine change or altercation which got me to this point of writing the blog at nearly 9 PM. That's okay I'm enjoying the process even though I'm not really writing about much I am still in the process.

Already the temperatures outside are beginning to climb. As we work towards spring I already sensing better days better weather at the cost of cold and snowy need to build a water table that will sustain us. As usual I take the easy way out and thanked God's better weather traveling and enjoy life in a power chair. Speaking of assistive technology. I don't think I mentioned that my old boss , the person who controls the grant money for the lift on currently purchasing denied my request for the scales which one has to purchase separately for this device. She's absolutely right. She made the right call I just have to figure out will be $700 for this device. I mean after all pretty sure that stimulus monies coming without behalf of the stimulus award. Should just be brave and do it. Just have a problem plopping down that much money for one item but maybe this is the lesson I've got to learn to let go of stuff especially money. I really think the scales are essential for me trying to maintain my weight which translates out to a healthy lifestyle. I have been messing with the idea of going through a program like assistive technology foundation which theoretically would help me purchase a portion if not all of device I'm looking at. It seems like a lot of work I may still try to “shake that tree”. I think it's important that I get scales.

I think actually working out my regular routine this week is going to be challenging. Tomorrow I have used this meeting which means that all the much time to work out tomorrow Thursday I have the second inoculation for Covid which I think is really important. That will be traveling all afternoon going out to Sandy for the inoculation. By the time will be taking out one week which is okay I need to learn to roll with the punches. Maybe this is what it feels like to start getting back to a new normal after the pandemic…

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