Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Book titles

 I started a new Behavior which I've noticed of late and that is purposely getting to the library at least an hour ahead of my Tuesday assist meeting. Now we don't have meetings every week sometimes we skip a week or two but when I do go in I want to go a little bit early so I can just hang around the library for a little bit seeing what's new and now I'm interested in visiting more with that person I met last week it does the information referral thing. one one of the things I have been doing the past couple of weeks is actually looking through the new book section of the library. This section is on the first floor and part of the general first floor of the library it's just a portion for the put the new books out. Today I noticed a couple titles that looked pretty interesting to me. If you have to identify these books I think they would be I don't know what they would be actually what you technically call them. Maybe just chick lit would cover it. I worry about myself sometimes enjoying these particular books. It's just that the writing just seems to be so well done and the books themselves are usually paperbacks but fairly large sized volumes that look really pleasing and kind of fun. I noticed quite a while ago when in my first marriage my wife had a number of magazines- - you know, women's magazines and they all ended up in the back room or my office area. Sometimes I would go back there and just pick up volumes and read they were pretty good I was surprised. It's not fair that women get all the good books. So I know a lot of Classics have been written by the male gender but the run-of-the-mill, midlife crisis, late teen lit have really great story lines seem to have female authors and I'm okay with that. So what I've been doing at the library is taking out my camera and clicking images of these books otherwise I think I'm going to follow it up later and find them on the internet but I never can remember the titles. So hopefully the images that I take I'll be able to search them out better and maybe order a couple of the titles from Amazon or whatever. I wish I could check out books from the library, of course I can and I do have a current library card, it's just I never can finish the book in the allocated time usually 2 weeks and then get them back to the library without a fine. So I found if I'm going to do books I have to get them either from the library bin where they sell The Used Books or other Depots where they have used books. They're around you just have to find them. But it's kind of fun finding them and taking images of the new books then sending for them.

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