Thursday, August 22, 2024

Park rebuild

 I wish I could say I was full of great thoughts tonight but the truth of the matter is I'm kind of vacant. It was a quiet day not a lot happening except for coffee was kind of good had much more conversation than usual but other than a busy coffee session I didn't do much else except basically enjoy the day. We did have a storm today which was okay rather short-lived but that tends to be how the storms are right now. We got a little bit of rain but not much the people across the street in the park are coming along the project might be finished by this fall. It's funny how even though you may not have liked something at the beginning now as we're going through the renovation of this Park it's almost getting a little exciting about what it's going to be like when it's finished. Nobody even considers the project an inconvenience anymore at least I do not. I figured a way to navigate around the physical problems whether it's catching the bus or going to the market watching the workers work. Yesterday I counted I think 18 people on this project. Tried to do some fast math to just see how much this must cost today and of course it's in the thousands cuz these guys are all real workers I'm sure belonging to some kind of a union or something making decent money per hour. Everyone seems to be focused on doing something. There's the backhoe guy and then there's the guy driving another vehicle like a backhoe seeming to be digging holes and moving the dirt to a pile where it's being taken by another guy with a tractor kind of a thing all the while this other guy is driving around this big machine with the big heavy roller on it packing down the dirt which I imagine is the preparation for pouring the concrete. I think there's going to be a lot of concrete poured on this project because they're having to replace the skateboard park. I assume the new skateboard park will be much larger and conveniently I think a lot farther from our back window than the other Park was. I am hoping I will not hear the skateboarders all night long. What's really been interesting to me is that when or before this project there was a large berm of dirt that separated our property from the park property. It really gave us or me the illusion that we are kind of Alone by ourselves here at the apartment complex at least we on the bottom floor now those on the second and third floors maybe something else but down here I didn't get the vision of all the cars driving up and down Redwood Road as well as 47th South. With all the dirt gone and stuff it tells you or reminds you how flat this whole place is and really kind of how small. You lose the coziness that you had when you had the feeling of being sucked in. I'm trusting that will come back when they finish the project. There's no way they're going to be able to replace the huge trees that were knocked down but I'm sure it will not take long for the whole religion to kick back in place. Maybe that's what old folks do watch the old fade away and watch the young people build anew…

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