Saturday, August 17, 2024

Crock-Pot BBQ

 I did an experiment tonight just for the fun of it the other day I purchased a package of Frozen chicken legs or drumsticks. I think they were like eight or nine maybe 10 drumsticks and all my goal was to try to make some barbecue chicken legs without going through all the process of either having them on the grill or put them in the oven and covering them up I guess with barbecue sauce. I'm trying to remember how my mom used to do it she did something like that in the oven. Anyway I figured why not try using the crock pot our long-term cooker or whatever it's called? It certainly can't be that big a deal. That was a little intimidated after I got the chicken legs home so rather than doing it yesterday when I bought them I threw them in the refrigerator and today with a fairly decent night's sleep I thought I would check out the process this afternoon after I got back from hanging out the coffee shop this morning and then just messing around the apartment watching a movie or two. There is a great storm today much like we've had lately some significant lightning if you break pills of thunder and then the store moves on. I was going to buy coffee this morning when I was at the coffee shop with my friend from upstairs Janet and of course I left the shop and forgot all about it. And I didn't want to go over during the rain storm so I checked what was left in the coffee can I figure there's enough there for one more pot of coffee on Monday morning to get through the morning with Melissa and my morning routine. Anyway I digress.

When I purchased the chicken legs I also saw that they had a bunch of barbecue sauce bottles of barbecue sauce for 99 cents so I grabbed one of those on the way out of the market so for an investment of $6 for the chicken parts and another dollar for the barbecue sauce I think I did okay and then I just have to set it up which I did this late afternoon. I put the chicken legs in the Crock-Pot and then covered them as much as I could with the barbecue sauce which came out pretty decent actually I didn't cover them entirely I figured that I would reach down and drip the barbecue sauce and chicken fat over the legs as they cooked. I wanted to do it a slow cook to see if that would work or what would work best. I ended up doing a slow cook and that didn't seem to be doing it quickly enough so I turned it over to hi and let it cook for about an hour and a half and that pretty much did what I wanted it to do the chicken meat didn't fall off the bones- - not been anyway- - but they were pretty well done and I can see that. I also made a pot of rice so that I could have the rice with the chicken meat when I really want to I don't need to do it tonight and maybe not even tomorrow but this next week I can have both and it might be pretty good. So finally I decided to harvest the chicken and I thought I turned off the cooker but all I did was turn it to low I thought I had turned it off but I hadn't so the chicken and the chicken legs were pretty well cooked by the time I realized my mistake so I turned off the crock pot for sure this time I'm going back to a movie I was watching and I wanted the chicken legs to cool so I didn't put a hot mess into the refrigerator. I took the big bowl that Mark gave me for Father's Day and dump the watermelon that was inside of it out washed it up and then put in the chicken parts are the legs that still had meat on them and whatever meat I was able to scrape off of the juice. It took a while and made a mess out of everything of course but I got it out put it in the refrigerator took the Crock-Pot over to the to the kitchen sink and dumped all the juice and stuff down the disposal a fish stop all the bones put them in a sack threw them in the dumpster. Again the chicken legs aren't all that pretty but there's enough there for a meal or two well worth the $7 investment I'm sure ...

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