Friday, August 02, 2024

Friendly Friday

I was really hoping that somehow the envelope with the money would show up today especially with my home care person Melissa showing up for my morning routine. Even she was not able to find the envelope in all the mess around the apartment. I really have a feeling that it's here somewhere I just can't lay my hands on it. I'm not so focused on it that it's driving  me crazy but I am curious as to where it went and somewhat bummed out that my brother won't get his money this birthday. It's sort of okay though cuz he was syndicating last year thatI needed to stop sending him the money but I don't think he meant this way. I am not going to now totally focused my energies on finding the money but if it shows up it shows up but I will do however is start picking up and trying to put things back into some form of order for some reason things have really gotten out of hand and I just can't keep the apartment even kind of clean. I do find if I go around and straighten things up that that helps a great deal that certainly gives her to the illusion of order. I know I function better when my unit is in order. I had to wash a couple dishes tonight following dinner I actually fried up for hamburgers that I got yesterdayz or the day before. I have a package of buns or a partial package of buns that I need to use up before they get bitten by the green bug or just dry out. The hamburgers are okay I just used ketchup and mustard on my burger none of the other condiments like tomatoes lettuce are onions and the burger was good anyway. I washed up the frying pan already but I still have a bunch of dishes to do either tonight or tomorrow. I did enjoy cooking I always do. But that's a lot of meat. I put the three extra burgers in a plastic container which I'll either have more hamburgers or a small hamburger steak with carbos and greens that would be civilized. I went to the market this afternoon to pick up some orange juice- I'm really into this orange juice phase right now I believe it really does me good– from my kidneys to I believe some form of damage control as far as vitamin C and keeping away from colds. There are news reports about the upcoming covid season or even now the covert season we're in but mainly the flu vaccines are other medicines directed at keeping the organism free from Band-Aids in the like.

I went to the market this morning for no other reason except just to go and give my charge battery something to discharge about. I totally enjoy the experience of shopping looking at all the different things. I got a big bottle of orange juice as well as a six pack of ice cream bars actually there like ice cream sundaes on a stick.. somehow this seemed important but now I don't think it is too much except for the fact that I went spent my money and came back all part of a Friday. 

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