Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Peanut butter and me

 I must admit I do love the occasional day off from my assist meeting on Tuesdays. Such was today for some reason no assist meeting. I really didn't do a whole lot with my extra time except have breakfast more so than I usually do today consisting of Frosted Flakes toast and I think rancid butter. That was one of my tasks for today was to get rid of the butter and put a new cube in the butter dish before I ruin any other items with way old butter. Had a great storm this evening very significant coming in dark and threatening and then finally released its energy on Taylorsville. Significant amount of lightning and thunder and rain came down pretty significantly as well. Cleaned everything out not that needed since it cleaned everything out last night too I think that's the last of the rain storms for a while until maybe this weekend I guess. I watched a couple movies and actually made a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. There's a scene in one of my favorite Marvel movies where one of the characters makes a peanut butter sandwich it always made me want one every time I see that scene. So today I made one probably not as nice as hers but it certainly was a peanut butter sandwich. What's interesting was I had opened up a brand new bottle and actually the peanut butter tasted funny and when I looked at the used by date it showed it was 5 or 6 years past its date so obviously the peanut butter had gotten Rancid which kind of surprised me I didn't think that happened if it stuff was sealed and the seal was still intact on the bottle of peanut butter. I get a lot of peanut butter from the sharing Shelf they seem to stick a lot of peanut butter in with the senior boxes which obviously most seniors don't like it because they end up on the Shelf. I've collected well five or six of them over the years and I just started using them and I think that's going to be my game from now on is that just keep a jar of peanut butter and one of the flat blades close by and every once in awhile just fill up the knife with peanut butter and lick it off. I really kind of like the fresh peanut butter most of it's creamy which is okay I probably like creamy best of all but occasionally the nut peanut butter is okay too. So I eat the peanut butter as a food source pretending that if that was all I had I could survive and it's true I can see how you could and get old real fast but still peanut butter would be nice to have so my goal now is to start utilizing the items I have on my shelves and start getting rid of the old dates and just start using materials that are within the appropriate time. So I'm atholically I'm going to start going through the cans and anything that looks past its due date I'm throwing away even if I really like the stuff. I mean it's a sure bet that I can replace it with something newer…

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