Friday, August 23, 2024

Wheelchair Blues

 There's something definitely wrong with the seat base of my power chair. I have failed it coming on for the last number of weeks maybe even months I can't remember. I've tried to remember to bring it up to the attention of my wheelchair shop but I've never gotten to that point it tell now or until today. It manifested itself at first by just a slight Lurch to the right it was a little offsetting at first excuse the pun. Caused a bit of a fear of falling the first time it started happening but nothing happened to me so I pretty much got over it and learn to deal with it. And it's gotten my neatly worse over time so I haven't really noticed that much until the last couple of days. Where the Tilt to the right of the chairs gotten more significant. I have been somewhat fearful that the whole seat got to fall off at some point. Especially worry about this when I tilt back in my chair to do the things like getting my clothes out and off for instance. Today however it tells it back and tilted to the right to the point where it tore a piece of the chair off on the left hand side of the seat base. Now I know it's not supposed to do that and so I called the shop and added the exploration of the problem onto the small list of things that I've been working on. I should have told them all this information a month ago when I had to give up the chair for a couple of days and they went through and I thought looked at things like this but I guess not. I was having problems with my foot pedal extender and so that's all that they looked at. Conveniently, Wednesday next week I'm sending the chair in to have some pieces replaced that they found needed to. And hopefully I'll have to give the chair if only for a day or a night. But this also means that I'm sure the seat base will not be repairable and if it is I'll have to wait until they can schedule the parts in and repair the chair entirely. I don't know if this is actually going to happen like this they're very seldom goes as things I planned but I need to do something because chairs are coming more and more inoperable everyday.

The only place I went today was to the market just to do some recreational shopping. I did make a purchase that I've been meaning to for some time and that was for a couple steaks. I don't know why I have such a problem purchasing more expensive cuts of meat but I end up buying the least expensive pieces of meat that I can. I think I got the steaks I got two packages a steak for about $12. The pieces I really would have liked to have gotten and that I probably should have gotten we're like $17 a piece or maybe even 24 dollars for a thicker cut. I'm not sure yet how I plan to prepare this steak perhaps cut it in strips and then Deep Fat fry pieces after I've dredged them in crumbs. I could be trying to recreate the days of Hawkins dead steer. This of course is impossible I'm supposed to shortly great days coming home for the Saturday night dance and getting that box of dinner finger steaks nothing like it…. 

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