Monday, August 26, 2024

Political minefield

 It's Monday and my caregiver’s late today. No big deal but it's worth mentioning I think at least1for my standpoint just glad I'm living in a world where I have very few time commitments that I have to make at a certain exact time so if there's something happening in my caregiver's life that she has to attend to that's okay by me. My caregiver has two kids in school and the schools in this area have just started for the new year so I'm thinking there's some sort of trauma going on in that environment and as I mentioned I'll get Services one way or the other soon enough.

My caregiver / melissa, usually gets here right around 8:30ish and like I said she tends to be late sometimes especially if it's something like school. She finally did show up almost 10:00 a.m. and if I'd been checking my email she sent an email indicating that she was having issues with the new rental she's moved into and has to stick around until the maintenance guy shows up and fixes her locked door. Actually it's a door that would not fasten/lock. I was just pleased that she was able to make it at all and that I didn't have any place to go to /beat at. Fortunately today I did not have anything on my schedule. I was just glad to know that she was coming and that she was all right.    I spent the rest of the day just trying to pick up and clean up around the apartment a little bit. Made a pretty small lunch just snorking things out of the refrigerator. Even in the Sun things were a bit chilly today. The whole pressure system is persisting over the area. It's not really cold outside unless you have to be out there for any length of time and even then it just feels like a hint of chill or a hint of fall in the front area of our building. It's the kind of day where you wish you had a barrel that you have a fire in and just warm yourself enough to get the cool off. Speaking of cool we are still in the clutches of the low pressure system that moved in over the weekend. I should have worn long sleeves but I was really hoping for a warm up today. The local weather forecaster indicated that there might be such an event happening but it really didn't happen today.

What was really weird was that I was in the back right after my caregiver left, I was hoping to glean some heat from the Sun in the back parking lot. What are my friends I've had here for some time but barely know it all was back washing her car or rubbing it with a cloth or something. She's from Wyoming that should have said everything in motion but she's so fun to hang out with she's got a good sense of humor and stuff but in the conversation that we were beginning somehow wandered into political-ville. Actually it was religion first then politics and it comes out she's a Trumper I couldn't believe it. I should have thought as much with her being from Wyoming. We didn't realize how far we were apart in this area but in a few short minutes the separation between us became cavernous or huge as we realize how conservative she was and how liberal I am. We split not necessarily hating each other but they're certainly been a wedge driven between us that wasn't there when we started the conversation

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