Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday soundings

 Mark is driving back today from time he spent with Shelly and his brothers in Oregon which means of course that I didn't get up and go over to the restaurant to have breakfast. I didn't necessarily sleep in but I didn't move with the speed that I usually do on Sunday mornings be able to be at the restaurant at 8:00 in the morning. Instead, I heated up what coffee was left from the Friday coffee and then I cooked the last two eggs in the 18 egg carton and heated up what remained of the pancakes I made yesterday. It was a pretty nice breakfast I have to admit. I almost made more pancakes but it's Sunday and I didn't want to over labor myself on the day of rest. So I only dirtied up one frying pan and got rid of the egg shells and other items floating around so it's not like the kitchen or the range is clean but it's going to be relatively easy to spruce up tomorrow. I have information that Gloria my intermittent caregiver and home cleaner might be over tomorrow to wash clothes and when she does that she spruces up the apartment a little bit and it needs it a great deal right now but if I can do a few clean up things before she gets here it's less that she has to do and but she still focus on the greater needs of the unit. I once again of let things get a bit out of hand and hopefully Gloria's touch will bring things back into order to some degree. I really have to focus on the mess in the corner that's got to be a number one between now and then the snow flies- - no particular reason I just wanted to use that phraseology in this blog. There's no reason I can't bring some order to this mess if not by just shredding papers and throwing things away. Any assistance will be totally appreciated.

I had a pretty Kickback day watched way too many movies but was able to take some of the weight off my rear end which I think needs to be done significantly I noticed but look like could be dried blood on the bed protector this morning when I got up not very much just a drop but where there's so drop there's more. Hopefully we can spot something tomorrow during the caregiver session. I don't have much going on this next week which is encouraging. There's going to be some stormy days I hope but I think the back of the Summer's been broken the temperature seem to be edging down now. We may have seen the last of the hundred degree weather or the three digit degree weather and I guess that's okay. We had a pretty good run this summer season I just will miss the really hot days as we get back to the low 90s upper 80s and it all seems to get cooler from there. I can live with 80° days then maybe they'll last way into October who knows. We're getting close to the back side of the year now Diane and I were talking this morning about how the next birthday I will be 74 that's getting away spooky. But I continue to be blessed with good health and relatively strong bones I hope and muscles. The skin is getting pretty flabby but I still look relatively good after a haircut …

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