Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Waiting for cantaloupe

For the most part it seems the storms have moved on at least for today in the rest of the week the weather person says that there will be more storms next week as the front or whatever is pumping more water Laden clouds into the area which will again cause more storming but the temperatures are dropping now and even if we do get more storms I'm sensing the back of Summer has been broken and even though the temperature is not rise again to the upper 90s I think we're done with the super hot weather for this year. Now I could be wrong and I am a strong believer in global warming and our climate is certainly on the change but I have a feeling that regardless this summer is pretty much done for the books. Between the changes in the weather and the figure ground effects from Good Old sunshine and the fact that the evening seem to be getting dark sooner and the sun is coming up a little bit later each morning I'm sensing the change. I could use more triple digit days but I think they're they're gone for this year. This of course makes all my neighbors here at the apartment complex just happiest clams now the temperature is dropping. They're little beasts, a bit more energetic energetic and their little tongues are not hanging out nearly as much and they seem to be getting back into some sort of enjoyment of the day. The sun was out more today then the last couple of days but the temperature seem to struggle to get out of the seventies. I didn't see the evening weather but I'll bet it didn't get to be 82° today. I had lunch with one of my fellow writers today and I couldn't believe how cold the restaurant was. I wish I'd worn long sleeves. But there I go griping again try not to pay attention to me I'm just old and grumping.

I purchased a cantaloupe a few days ago I think it was kind of green so I've been letting it sit by the refrigerator to ripen up a bit. The real truth of the matter is I'm a bit intimidated by cutting into the melon. Have it all set up now that I could cut the melon into sections then cut the melon off of the rind and put them in the stainless steel containers that Mark got me for Father's Day. They're nice stainless steel have rubber tipped bottoms and a nice plastic top. They of course have numerous sizes the biggest of the containers holds the last watermelon that I got it's still in the refrigerator but I want to sneak up on this cantaloupe and cut it into sections and put it in the other canister. I'm finding out that if I process the food that is a higher chance that I will actually eat it and not have to throw it out when it goes bad. I'm doing much better quite proud of myself. I don't know if I'll get to cutting up this melon tonight but tomorrow for sure. It's Thursday, Coffee Day, and maybe warm enough to get back out onto the bus system and go to the movies or something…A

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