Sunday, August 04, 2024

Watching Jets

Mark is in Idaho this weekend and Jasmine has been away for a couple of weeks and I just didn't feel like going to breakfast this morning. I wanted to do some just regular stuff on a Sunday morning I even thought about making pancakes and stuff but I never got around to it but I did get dressed and got over to the coffee shop and had coffee this morning with the Sunday crew which is very very little right now it's still catching on, There's Sunday service. Afterwards though I just came home and hung out for the rest of the day not really doing anything. Watched a couple Marvel movies and that was about it. I kind of liked it though. I think one of the other reasons I didn't go to breakfast this morning was that I didn't want to fill my body up with any more food than I already had I was trying to prevent a poop episode and I did! The only trade-off is that you end up feeling hungry all the time but perhaps it's worth it for the weekend at least on Sunday. My stomach is really best settled down anyway. I don't feel as at risk cuz I did yesterday. Ate a couple spoonfuls of my concoction during the day and for dinner I had soda crackers and soup a can of vegetable beef type soup which I thought was pretty good. I need to eat more soup maybe that's what I need to do on weekends to go to a soup diet so I don't fill up the bowel fast and Furious.

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday you know the one that I lost $100 bill that I was going to stuff into his card and lost the money. I sent the card off anyway with a brief explanation of why there's no money in it this year. Hopefully I may have enough to send him another $100 later in the month and who knows the other money might still show up it's got to be here somewhere. I will try to call him in the morning but it's just kind of hard to find him home anymore or ever was he leaves and goes hunting if not just gun shooting every day. He deserved $100 loss pretty well in fact last year I think you told me to stop sending the money. But it's still something I like to do. I'm glad it about the point my life that I can do that and not freak out I feel like I'm not going to survive until the next month. I watch jets for a while tonight Out My Back Door there's a flight path just west of our building it's quite a ways over I mean it's not like the Jets are flying right over us but they're over a ways that you can certainly see him flying in and there's a lot of them. I'm always amazed to see him come in it's kind of entertaining. I'd like to know who is in all those Jets and if I know any of the people coming in. This flight pass comes from the southwest it seems like and I wonder if there's another flight path that comes in from more easterly areas right now it seems like most jets are coming in from the southwest. I don't know why it's so entertaining it just is I love doing it I can spend all night watching the Jets come in.

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