Wednesday, August 28, 2024


The gaping hole next to my arm bike is the place where my backup chair usually resides but now I'm sitting in my backup chair because my main ride was taking back into the shop this afternoon. The part came in that they needed to fix a particular problem my chair was having plus the number of other issues have come up since they assessed the problems of my chair a couple weeks ago. I'm hoping and praying that all the issues will be fixed and it will return tomorrow for the rest of the day week and who knows how much longer. The bottom line is I guess the writing's on the wall that I need to start pressing for a new chair. I guess the system has it set up so I can get a chair every 5 years and I think I'm due. I really hate to start this process because it just takes so long and there's so many disappointments along the way. I was just as soon have as few disappointments as possible for the remainder of my life. I know we hardly ever get what we want or wish for but you never know. That could also mean I can have no more disappointments for the rest of my life and my life will be over day after tomorrow. That really sounds like a short story from that guy named Henry somebody.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate this chair I'm in now it's just well it's just that it's old itself. I don't have a lot of confidence in the batteries I'm afraid to go anywhere for fear I'll run the juice out and the control box is a little squirrely and so when I'm driving the chair tends to wander all over the path that I'm driving on at times I can get a little spooky too. So luckily if I know that the chair will be gone for just 24 to 48 hours or so I can survive in this chair if I have to. It's a little rough and like I said spooky I don't like transferring from the bed to the chair but I have to get up. It's imperative that I lift the foot box up as high as I dare so when I transfer in the feet will stick in the foot box and give me something to push off against to get myself back in the chair as well as to get dressed. Dressing is a bit of a challenge but so far I've been able to get the job done okay. Getting dressed takes a little longer than it does in my other chair but if I'm just going to be hanging around the apartment complex then I should be okay.

I noticed my federal money came in today not that it's a big deal because I'm okay without it really if I had to but still when it shows up it means I am going to be okay for the next month. I still have one payment coming in for the state which will further allow me to have a breath of relief. I'm going to have a big money drain in the next couple of months if and when I get my teeth worked on and have that new tooth put in that we've already done the groundwork on. Even with the doc being good enough to work out payment schedule with me it's still going to be a hit to my basic security hopefully I'll get everything covered.. and I will one way or another.. 

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