Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Heat exhaustion?

 I'm exhausted! I'm flat out exhausted. I just slept through 90% of a doctor strange movie, which is okay no big deal but I'm tired and I think more than anything else it's heat exhaustion. Today, Tuesday of course, I had the meeting downtown Salt Lake and I think coming home I was in some of this like boiling weather that Salt Lake has been having recently which may have been the scoundrel that did me in. It's not like I was in a ton of sun but it was certainly hot when I was not in a bus or train. I basically rolled from the assist office over to the credit union which is like three and a half blocks and then for the credit union to the TRAX station which is another like four blocks all in the afternoon sun. When I got to the train station when I got home in Taylorsville it was another couple blocks to like finally got home. I didn't necessarily feel that sun drained but later following dinner I just sort of slumped out watching Dr Strange. I hydrated up a juice and a piece of watermelon when I got home and maybe the sugar finally kicked in as I'm beginning to feel better now though it's getting kind of late it's still pretty warm outside I can tell. Usually I'm the one that says I love the Heat and bring on as much heat as the atmosphere will hold but that's not true anymore I think I'm really becoming affected by how  hot the outside might be getting. 

Sadly these warm/hot days but not last forever and the cold weather is coming though thank goodness it's still months away but I guarantee you the cold weather will be here along with snow. So I want to remember as much of these hot days as I can for when the cold days come I'll be able to enjoy the mix of hot and cold for whatever days may be..

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