Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday's thoughts

 It has taking me a while to get into the whole mood but finally was able to start my kid letters today I actually got about half of the letters written today. Tomorrow I think I can finish and then just the process of printing and folding and mailing them remains. I should be able to get them out the door sometime Saturday worst case scenario Monday and doesn't really matter since it's a federal holiday the mail not going to move anyway till Tuesday so I think I have more than enough time. I didn't really go anywhere today particularly because I was in this backup chair and I don't trust it at all. Even though I have enough power or I should have enough power because I charged the chairs batteries all night I just don't feel comfortable heading out in the long journey on batteries I don't trust. I felt halfway accomplished however because not only did I participate in this morning's Thursday morning coffee group I also had lunch with my friend Duane. We usually go out to lunch but I think because of my power chair or more succinctly the backup chair we decided to eat in. He buys the lunch and brings it here usually sandwiches from some kind of Subway sandwich clone, a bag of chips usually barbecue and drinks and I usually get a drink the color red. It doesn't really matter what we eat or where we eat as long as we have space to eat and visit but more importantly to visit. Today we did a trip down memory lane trying to remember how long we've known each other and it comes out to about 30 years I guess. I think I have gone over this somewhere within this document about how Dwayne worked at Rehabilitation and I'm over at Independent Living and I want to keep tab on what we have had in mind for us. This all goes back to the old days and power struggles between IL and Rehabilitation especially on the national level. Dwayne would come to a lot of Independent Living staff meetings as well as just general meetings in the office. Like I said my first encounters with him or some what clandestine but soon I think we really begin to get to know each other and like each other and eventually started going out to lunch and now we're here like I said a good 30 years later.

We are old guys now thinking and talking around around old guy thoughts. Remembering things perhaps not exactly as they were but how we want to see them as they were. We talk about families particularly grandchildren and what we're doing with them and we talk about politics and about how dangerous the times have come politically as well as socially more specifically China and the other Asian threats to the West as well as the dire political situations that is happening in our culture right now. We talk about how bad it is and we act like there's something that can be done about it but really there isn't and we just have to sit down do our best but accept whatever comes our way I'd be ready to accept inevitable…

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