Monday, August 05, 2024

Hey Hey Monday

 I think he was almost mad at me which is okay I would have sent it anyway but obviously now even if I do find the money I'm going to keep the $100 bill for myself as a retro birthday gift for my brother since he didn't want it. I have about giving up the whole idea that I'm going to run into that little pile of money and if I do I do if I don't I don't and it won't matter if I won't. I'm just not going to worry about it too much more it's not worth worrying for. But anyways I said it was my brother's birthday so I called him fairly early this morning I did give him time to get up it was like after 8:00 and even then I wasn't able to get a hold of him and he called me back maybe a half an hour later but we had sort of a good visit. I was waiting for my home health person to get here and I was afraid that she would interrupt our call but I ended the call before Melissa got here and everything ended up fine. So if I've done the math right he's like 78 not quite in the 80s yet but he's getting close. I'm still coasting at 73 and I have no idea what I'll be like when I'm 78. I hope I'm still here alive anyway and still living at this place facility apartment complex. The high point of this day was just going across the street to the market and picking up a few things in a few pieces of cash just so I will have my Supply building back up again. The other high point of my day was cutting up the watermelon. I should have had Melissa do that this morning however she would want half the watermelon and she'd certainly deserve it but I wanted to have as much as I could so I cut the guy up this afternoon and it wasn't too bad as far as the cutting goes and the juice and all that kind of stuff. The melon could have been better of course but it's not as fall apart as the melon that I cut up last week. Made quite a bit of cut up melon that I put in the big Bowl that my son gave me I think for Father's Day. That's all stashed in the refrigerator now and I've got most of the mess cleaned up. Trying to get rid of the evidences as quick as I can either down the disposal or in a nice plastic bag over the side of the dumpster.

I'm going to try for the remainder of this week it actually cleaning up the apartment a little bit or a lot. I actually mopped part of the kitchen floor this afternoon after I did some sweeping and after I cut up the watermelon. I guess it does make a difference there's still splotches all over the floor that could be washed up I just have to do a lot of picking up and then mopping the rest of the house. Perhaps I could even get Melissa to do some mopping maybe even if it's just the bedroom that would be nice. I need to start looking at being more civilized at least in the apartment

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