Saturday, August 10, 2024

Summer scams and showers

 Very rarely do I get anything in my email that I even want to think about let alone respond to. Because of that I don't really check my email probably as much as I should. Actually, after thinking about this I check it daily my email because if I don't all sudden I get literally hundreds of crap that I don't need and I have to go through and zip them all out the ones that I don't want just basically all of them except for a couple meeting notices and things like that that I have to keep up on but yesterday I noticed something weird from a guy named Terry who I don't know but when I opened up the document it was from National computer protection type program indicating that I had their protection I paid for it last year and before and if they don't hear from me immediately they're going to charge me to cover me for another year at 400 bucks. I don't really quite remember but I think indeed I went through this trauma last year too. I've never really used this service and never would pay 400 bucks a year for it and it's a scam I think to some degree might be a legal scam but he have to be on your toes to get a hold of him tell him to stop. I think they give you some several weird time limit that they don't hear from you they'll go ahead and charge your account. And I checked my account tonight and nobody's charged that yet but now it's the weekend I don't think I can get anybody there over the weekend and I don't even think the numbers that I have are good for them the ones they have listed at least when I tried to call I should have got to disconnect on the number that's listed. It's just typical of me though I always get scammed by this kind of stuff just drives me crazy. So I tried to isolate it and put it out of my mind as best I can there's nothing I can do now or until Monday probably but I will check on something tomorrow but all in all have to play it out and I'm willing to even contact Better Business Bureau or whoever that one has to deal with to see if they can help us something I wouldn't be surprised there's nothing I can do I have to chalk it up to another lesson learned- - painful as it might be.

One of the things I really enjoy in the summer is the occasional summer storm here in Utah which is basically the desert so when you see a summer storm it's really something. Today I was actually watching something on one of the networks that I frequent I don't know if it was Netflix or Disney or something I think it was Netflix but anyway, there was a major short small microstorm come through and I missed it entirely! It just wandered right through lightning thunder I noticed that getting cloudy but that was all then I went out a few about an hour later and everything was all wet outside been a major downpour for for 5 or 10 minutes and then it was gone. I still can't believe I missed it that would have been the high point of my weekend I bet.

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