Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Family and food

That was quite surprised when I opened up my messenger this afternoon on the alarm went off and it was a short video of Marc Anthony and the two other boys James and Charlie. I almost said my two other boys which is kind of true I do sort of see these two guyses my own Sons even though I know they're not. They're not even my stepson's legally but if it looks like a duck walks like a duck is probably a duck and they are always part of our Saturday crew would not go get my kids on Saturday mornings for kid day James and Charlie came with. Charlie was just a little guy and he often sat on my lap as we cruised around the city of Salt Lake. We did that for a couple of years. When they moved from Salt Lake to I think someplace in Oregon or Washington State I lost contact with Charlie and James. It's great getting back some form of contact. James is living in Japan these days and Charlie lives with my daughter Michelle in Oregon. Mark went up there to visit the family when he got word that James was coming down from Japan with his family all of his family. What a great experience. I wish I could have made the trip with mark Anthony that would have been great. Well I'm happy for the video if nothing else it's certainly was an interesting highlight of my day that's for sure.

I cooked tonight that was quite a bit of fun. I totally destroyed the kitchen of course as far as cleanliness goes. This weekend I purchased one of those chickens you know that they roast right there at the store and they coming little take-home pouches bags which makes everything so convenient. I thought I'd better get busy and use the meat before it turns the corner. Plan to still use the breast that's left for chicken salad for sandwiches hopefully but tonight I took one breast diced it up mixed it with the celery and onions and then added the rice gave me lunch and dinner options for the rest of the week. And best part of that I'm using my resources for food supply. I love the fact that I basically have an endless supply of rice if I just pay attention to the giveaway table on food delivery day at the end of the month. Hardly anybody really uses their rice and there's bags of rice on the table I usually take one or two if they're available but they can certainly add to your food experience as far as I'm concerned. I'm still not really proficient at cooking my rice it's to the point now at least I am not afraid to use it for my dishes like Frank and such but it's not nice and Flaky like the kind you get from the Asian restaurants. There is a little Asian Hawaiian restaurant right across the street from my apartment complex but I think I can get a pretty good size bunch of rice for like five bucks but I've only done that once or twice and it works really well but I think to myself don't be a dummy use the rice that you have and I also have options to do brown rice which I really do like and I should use a lot more of it. Either way what a day the two boys mark Anthony and rice sometimes Wednesdays don't get better than that…

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