Friday, August 09, 2024

Enjoy the day

I should have done more with this day than just enjoy it but that's what I did I just enjoyed the day. After a fairly productive session this morning with my caregiver I was dressed and ready to go nowhere in particular. I had no shoes on but completely dressed other than that fairly civilized. I did want to get enough juice to carry me through the weekend without having to go to the market again. I may go to the market tomorrow just because it's a form of socialization but I don't think I need anything I've got cold chicken, Frank that I made from part of that cold chicken yesterday and it's quite good I got corn from the giveaway table corn on the cob I've got cheese and sausage slices, watermelon hot dogs if I want them buy hot dogs I mean I have wieners beef wieners and hot dog buns I think they're still okay and I do have a rug Renegade hamburger patty that needs to be eaten as well so there's more than enough food to get me through the next 48 hours and also remember I need to eat very little during this period because I won't poop again until Monday morning but seems Forever on Friday night. I'm also thankful tooth has seemed to settle down a little bit the pain is not as severe as before how are there still is paying every time I inadvertently press down on that tooth. I always have to be careful now to make sure that there's nothing that well make me press down on that tooth too much. Not a good sign for the tooth I'm afraid it states might be numbered of what I'm going what am I going to do as I lose my teeth it's something hard to Ponder.

I watch two Spider-Man movies which pleased me a great deal. I tried to be doing something as I watch the movie so I didn't feel too guilty for not using my time wisely. I wondered out to the back parking lot a number of times to take advantage of what little heat there might be out there. I don't think we broke 100° today which kind of breaks my heart but it was still warm enough when I did go out plus there was the promise of a storm. We had a small storm no lightning that I could see but I could certainly hear the thunder once or twice and then the storm went away. The sky was fairly clear but obviously I doubt they'll be any more thunder tonight or lightning. We're in a bit of a monsoon right now so the afternoons of the next couple days are going to be interesting with possibilities of thunder and lightning and some rain. I doubt we'll get much. I swept floors early in the evening look pretty nice but then I messed everything up as I made dinner and just got busy in the kitchen I tipped over things got flakes on the floor ran over some potato chips which I had dropped during dinner. Yesterday I sent away for I think $138 bowls, paper bowls which I really like to use. I was pleased and surprised that there was a knock on my door this evening and when I answered it was the Amazon man just turning to leave he dropped off my package. I didn't think I'd see it for a couple of days but I'm set now for maybe a couple of years Amazon really does just blow me away. Tomorrow there should be more thunderstorms in the afternoon and I look forward to that. I must enjoy each and every day because the heat will soon be leaving in the cold will not be far off.. 

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