Thursday, August 08, 2024


 Something's happening in my mouth that I do not quite know how to deal with I'm having oral pain again and I think the culprit is the tooth that just got worked on. I don't know why this would be that way but the pain comes and goes and seems to be somewhat intensified by cold temperatures especially food that's cold for the refrigerator. Like I said it's off and on I've been taking ibuprofen for it especially if it happens in the middle of the night and it wakes me up like last night. It's totally frustrating because I thought I had this thing fixed. Now, I'm debating on whether or not to contact the dentist to see what I need to do next. It seems like anything I'm going to do is going to cost money no question but I need to get this thing taken care of sooner or later cuz of my experience things like this if left attended to tend to get worse. It's late in the week now and I don't know if I want to move anything on this until next week if I do anything at all. My dentist is on a regular 3-day weekend so they don't even get back in the office till Tuesday after 11:00 a.m. I think. Depending how I sleep tonight I might crash the building tomorrow- - if they're open- - and just see what they think as far as the pain, the Pain's origin and possible remedies. My experience has been nothing's done on a drop in basis especially the day before the weekend but you never know maybe they like me maybe they like me to the point that they would at least stop what they're doing and take a look at my mouth. I'm not sure but there seems to be pain above the tooth below as well but that could just be referred pain from the pain of the tooth below. Like I said this is a confusing situation. I'm wondering in the back of my mind maybe they'll want to pull it boy and that's just one more tooth gone I'm having trouble chewing as it is. Not really trouble but I can see how the philosophy anymore teeth but certainly cause some problems. I feel I should buy a steak and see if I can eat it which I think I can maybe it'll be my last real purchase of chewy stuff before my teeth all disappear and I'm on a regiment of oatmeal and yogurt. This wouldn't be that bad really it was certainly keep it personal alive plus you can also do things like soup with bread soaked in it. Guess you could put your salad in a blender wouldn't be quite the same. Maybe when the doc puts the new tooth in that will help a little bit in masticating food. It's in these moments of rollicking pain as I go back and forth in the bed wishing I could be asleep but I have a greater appreciation for those who went before me and had to deal with losing all their teeth over a pretty short period of time. Life must have been Grimm in those days. I am really thankful for the time period that I live in and all the benefits of technology and medicine and dentistry and everything else. Sometimes I think I have a pretty bad until I think of the ancestors even my parents both of them had dentures and both of them lost their teeth real soon are all at one time it seems like they got along well enjoyed their occasional meat steaks and other things that took a lot of chewing. But we did leave a lot of oatmeal too I never thought about that before…

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