Sunday, August 18, 2024

The gift

- I must have woken up around 3:00 a.m. or something like that close to other first couldn't get back to sleep of course that means it's going to be a long day. I'm riding this early in the morning just after I gotten up so I didn't forget it. But I got into one of those loops that won't let me get back to sleep so since then I've been thinking about the old neighborhood that I grew up in in Southeast Boise. The streets the communities the people really pretty interesting. I want to check to see if there's any histories to that area there's a number of different areas within the large area of course like many cities. Boise certainly has their number of small communities that I guess all grew together eventually but the southeast section of Ada County is pretty interesting to me. This is where I basically grew up. We had a small farm in that area I started first grade in that area so I got to know the kids and the buildings and the places around. Since we lived on a farm we are in the more rural area closer to the city limits they were places I think were built by money is available to soldiers after World War II in Korea similar to some of the places here in Salt Lake like in Murray where we lived. There were neighborhoods of brick houses he knew that they were all built at the same time pretty much. The house we are in and the house next door a good friend Al would tell me the stories about how he and his wife were one of the first families to move to the subdivision that we now lived in and you can see it in the structure of most of the houses. They were red brick two and three bedroom units some of basements I'm not probably just perfect for military guy coming back from the war and starting a family. So Boise I think had the same thing going on. In fact there's one section not far from our house on later Street that was a whole area that was referred to as sergeant city and that's where enlisted families who lived while there dads and husbands were away at War and whatever.

It's not much later on the same day they're the fervor that I had when I first woke up to start this project is not as significant now as it was this morning as I was laying in bed trying to wake up and make sure I got up and ready for the restaurant on time. I'm still somewhat interested in the project some degree but not with the intensity I had this morning and perhaps that's best. I don't know what I would write about maybe if I started out with short short stories and build up from there I don't know. It could be kind of a fun project I don't know what I would do with some of the material if I actually wrote something it's hard to say. The whole thought process was kind of a gift however…

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