Sunday, August 25, 2024

I forgot to post

I just realized I forgot to post this last night so I'm posted tonight and back dating it to Sunday I hope you're not offended

 I was almost in bed when I realized that I had not posted for the day unbelievable. There's nothing really to keep me from posting I was just preoccupied I guess and the day Slipped Away I thought about posting earlier this morning and maybe right after going to Coffee which I did after the breakfast with Mark and me. It was a good experience getting over to the coffee shop and hanging out on the Sunday morning. There was hardly anybody there which is a bit of a shame but hopefully it'll build up over the next couple months as long as he keeps doing it. But for the most part I just hung out here at the apartment as I've been doing of late. The best part about this morning was that Marc Anthony was able to fix my chair pretty well actually well anyway he didn't really fix it still has to go into the shop and get really fixed so the item that came unscrewed get screwed back in and they put in the the foot box regulator that rises it up and down that's been going out on me. Actually it froze up on me this morning and luckily Mark was able to just touch the wires and sure enough they started working again so I'm okay I think until Wednesday got the power chairs charged up so it's ready to go I'll have Melissa switch me over on Wednesday morning the pick up the chair and hopefully back by Friday morning I can get back into the old chair or the new chair I'll let you know we repair chair and I'll be set for the weekend- - the holiday weekend. That's been a pretty quiet day I haven't really done anything like I said watched too much TV visited with a couple of the folks here in the building and enjoyed the kitchen as well as the big screen. I wish I had more to report but Sundays are kind of slow and perhaps if I started earlier and wasn't rushing the clock. I should start my letters soon with the first of the month coming up again very shortly things just keep coming around. I got a text mail from Marty Blair today great I haven't heard from him for a long time. He seems to be okay I don't know where he's at all I got was a phone number in his message so I figured it was him I had the 406 so I think that's Montana's area code. 

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