Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday's beginnings

 I woke almost discouraged as I transferred from my bed to my power chair knowing that the chair / platform that I sit on, would be still at a radical angle causing me to slide over to the left really throwing my whole body off Kildeer. I made the transfer without issue and righted myself in the chair as good as I could and sent a text to my brother to see if he had any time for me today. As I got used to being off-center happy getting to think it wouldn't be so bad if I had to use my backup chair until I can send this in to get serviced on Wednesday. This is something I did not want to do but desperate times call for desperate measures. Eventually, my brother responded with the text for me to call in which I did to find out that he's going in for shoulder surgery next week and that if I needed anything done this was the time to do it and he dropped by in a few minutes and began to work on the chair. The image of included in today's posting is the piece that had come unscrewed from the upper part of the chair which was causing me to list to the left. I know you can't hardly tell anything from this image but it's the best that I had. I took the image this morning early before I got up. Why this morning the Lurch to my chair when coming back down from a tilted back position was quite significant Jared me a little bit. As I thought my brother was able to spot the problem immediately and found the culprit which was that round tube that had come unfastened from a part of the chair that anchored the whole system down this anchoring my platform seat platform evenly. It took a few minutes and some searching around for my tools that I have scattered all over the apartment but eventually we found this pliers we needed to do the twisting back into compliance. Now I could lean back dress then sit back up without the chair violently jerking. My brother is a little concerned that he didn't have a lot of threads to work with on this project as far as turning one part of the screw into the other part. I feel comfortable now that we know what the problem is that I'll be able to use the chair without issue until we can send it in to the shop for repairs which again is going to be this coming Wednesday.

My partner that I've been going to coffee with on Saturday mornings for the last couple months did not make it to the coffee meeting place this morning. I was invited to sit at one of the tables for a group of people sit every week but all seem to know each other and gab quite a bit. In truth I've been somewhat jealous of the fact these guys have all the folks to visit with. This old guy who looks kind of gnarly super old and straggly Fu Manchu mustache he sits and does word puzzles are number puzzles invited me to sit at the table. Another one of the people who come regularly sat next to me and started yammering for some time and we had quite a discussion it was pretty cool. A lot of these people all went to the same church at one time a long time ago and I sort of gather all from the stop going but they kept coming to coffee and so it goes. I don't know if this is going to be an ongoing group that I sit with or if my companion will come back and we'll end up sitting by ourselves off to the corner as we usually do but either way I felt that I did some stretching this morning, socially that is and possibly even made a friend or two Saturdays at the coffee shop doesn't get better than that

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