Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Dremel Fool


There were a few flakes of snow falling as I exited the door of the apartment complex to make the run for the bus yesterday about 7 AM. The time was early, probably earlier than I needed to be out but I didn't want to jeopardize missing my every nine week appointment to have my toenails clipped. I've fallen into this cycle, which I think is a good cycle, that truly amazes me about having someone, not your wife or spouse or significant other prod and dig and clip and file your toenails. I'd like to call a racket – – and the kind it is – – but it's a needed racket not only for me who has fairly limited hand function but for many other seniors who have known in your life take care of their toes.

Dianne used to do this and I was such a boob because I was always freaked out when she would grab her tools and grabbed my feet. I thought sure she was going to kill me (of course not literally but hurt my toes). Now I wish she was still around to do this task. I hope that doesn't sound callous I'm just talking about how much I appreciated now the work she did then if that makes any sense. Dianne was doing me a great service and I did not appreciate her efforts. Now I have a guy he's a good guy Richard. It says is a real foot surgeon which I things pretty cool. He's part of a practice with his brother and a few others that have clinics up and down Wasatch front. I've gone to Dr. Richard now about three years and is another one of those professionals in my life I would not mind knowing better. We've known each other well enough now to ask follow-up questions to statements made in earlier appointments. Trips that were planned, vacations taken children being married another major life events and now the Covid world. You don't think of your foot Dr. be in a personal science but Richard definitely is. I thought it had great thoughts regarding what is going on and how it's affected his family and his professional life in providing services to people in person no tele-Medicare you got a hold somebody's foot you got to do it in person. Dr. Richard seemed pretty calm about the whole phenomenon. Is definitely serious but he also is definitely aware that sooner now than later the vaccine is going to come around and this pandemic well slowly become a thing of the past and become a definite marker of this century like the Great Depression, JFK assassination and the moonwalk was last centuries footnotes.

I noticed for the first time the Dremel tool hanging off the wall It look like a snake poised to strike. I mentioned this to the good doctor, about how freaked out I used to be when Dianne my toes and how freaked out I was when I went to podiatrist and they went for my toes with their Dremel tools. I was surprised how academic and professional Dr. Richard jumped in proclaiming how careful one has to be with the Dremel tool because the speed with which the Dremel spins heats up the toenail incredibly fast because the toenail is so fragile unlike metal and wood that most people use the Dremel for. Dr. Richard has a soft touch with or without his Dremel…

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