Thursday, November 19, 2020



I love Tuesdays and Thursdays primarily because those are the days that I don't have to deal with my home health professional not that I have a problem with my attendance it's just significant reminder that I am a very dependent person in many ways more that I feel comfortable with. On Monday Wednesdays and Fridays I cannot do anything until really I'm finished with my home health program. I'm okay with this and have accepted this is the way it's going to be less something magical happens. Once again, I totally appreciate the fact that as self-pay I can pay for this service and still have aspects of funding to give me the feeling that I'm in control of my life. Clearly, I like everyone else out there, is twisting on the thread buffeted by the winds of chance and whatever's going on in this world right now. I think very deep down in my brain of brains is the thought that the realization that the life I'm living right now is precarious as a fiddler on the roof (do You like the way I work that in?). Anyway, Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays and Sundays are a joy. I maintaining the house pretty well, with the help of Melanie's assistance on my program days. I'm sure I could do better and I think this I get the option of another housekeeper I will take her/him but until then we go to try to maintain this place by myself and whatever help I get from my home health attendants. I can keep the area that I work at the kitchen fairly clean. I can wash my dishes and hang them up after their washed and dried. I can keep the top of the stove cleaned off and I can keep some order to the corner for the coffee maker lives. I can even keep the floors mopped – – though I have not done that yet I can do that to the point where the floors acceptable. And really, the floor has only need to satisfy. This morning, I spent a good portion of the morning scouring and washing out the poop bucket. This is the bucket that I place underneath me while I shower and hopes to catch any last poops that didn't make it into the toilet. To be frank more fish sneak out than I would like but I'm working on that. I don't want to blame Melanie is I don't even think Annette kept the poop bucket as clean as I think it should be. It took a lot of work on my part to bring it up to some form of acceptability. I soaked and scrubbed you some cleanser and the scrub brush and then a number squirts from the Clorox red bottle and I think I did okay. Next, I attacked the toilet. And I have to say Annette did keep the toilet spotless when she was here giving extra attention to the commode and making sure any splashdown's or explosive outbursts were cleaned up inside the toilet bowl and on the Outside. For one reason or another this is something that Melanie is not comfortable with. I'm okay – – I can do this. The same holds true for the floor inside the there's a couple of “sugar daddy” pellets on the floor. Annette took extra strides to dissolve these little bitty turds and flushing them down the drain. Then the net would do her “skating” routine where she would throw this towel she kept in the shower on the floor and then drag your feet all around the shower as well as the floor the bathroom essentially mopping up any problems. Melanie does not do this and I maintain that I'm going to do a Mark version of the skating routine.

This is not meant to be a manifesto of what I'm going to be doing now system thoughts on how I'm going to cope with maintaining the unit.

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