Sunday, November 22, 2020

With Apologies To Mary Poppins


It's official, Sunday night and it's the beginning of Thanksgiving week. I guess really still big deal but I want to be. I live in this fantasy or illusion that every holidays special day and I like to drive it out as much as I can so it's Thanksgiving week. I'm kind of getting in the mood. I've got turkey protein, it's not complete bird but the bird I have will do or the part, Like I wrote yesterday I still may get some pieces of Brown meat awaiting or a thigh or leg maybe two legs that would be a trip. I will have time this week to do that maybe pick up a bag of chips or two.

Well for the state of Utah and the USA is going to be a Covid Thanksgiving which ranges can be pretty weird. Supposedly people will be celebrating with just the immediate family, supposedly. I'll be interested see how many people figure it doesn't mean them and go ahead and celebrate with bunches of people, without masks and without socially distancing and then being totally surprised and overwhelming medical support systems just as we head into the Christmas holidays big-time. I'll be okay of course. If I were to receive any visitors a be Mark Anthony possibly Kristi as well as Jasmine that would be nice but like I said this is the time to be nice. Show your love for somebody and just don't go, don't visit, use the technology we have an video visit for those tech families zoom visit for the holiday. If you really have to feel together, zoom during dinner so everybody can see each other eating.

I've got some old celery in the fridge but I might toss it. In honor of the holiday run next door and pick up some fresh celery and maybe pie dough and put together a pumpkin pie sometime between tomorrow and Thanksgiving. I checked this morning the turkey breast is still quite frozen but I think it's coming along and I think by Tuesday will be cook-able (remember my plan? This Thanksgiving I'm going to cook a little bit each day and not try to throw the whole thing together on Thanksgiving day). I'll have the whole meal made by Thanksgiving morning and granted all have to microwave some of the product a heated up to give the illusion of just being but it'll work for me. I doubt if I'll go as far as making whipped cream for the pie but maybe I'll purchase a can of whipped cream under pressure. That would really work just as well.

I've noticed Facebook has been being really sentimental lately started this weird vibe of tricking everybody into telling the world how what they're thankful for. And of course the sheep of the human race are getting into it. There I go getting cynical but Sometimes you need a bit of cynicism to help the holiday go down in a most delightful way…

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