Friday, November 13, 2020

New Chair Beginnings… Hopefully


It's kind of interesting though a strange how this next phase in American or maybe world medical delivery is coming about. I have now had to tele-visits with my primary care doctor's office and they're gone extremely well. There's always a little bit of fumbling usually on my part because they call you on the phone or text you to let you know the event is about to take place. They provide you with a link to whatever program are piece of technology is operating the visit and once you give your personal densification and permissions and click on to the link you're taken to either a receptionist type person or the medical person who will be providing the tele-visit. In today's case it was Dr. Nathan Allred my internist. Like I said it's always a bit disconcerting because rather than have you week on the phone Medical service offers the option of waiting until they contact you i.e. your phone rings to let you know it's about time to begin. Of course if I were a bright person I would have my cell phone right by me but it seems like I never think that far ahead and of course today at 1:30 PM when the calls poster come through (I of course had kind of forgotten about the whole thing) but with the first ring I remembered madly – into the bedroom and my power chair never quick enough to punch the correct keys to start the phone conversation so I have to call back. As was the case today.

Happily after Doc Allred and I had maintained contact with quite a nice little conversation. I given the information that he needed to write the orders that will go to the durable medical provider IHC wheelchair shop. I had to advise him as to why I needed a new chair, the conversations I've had with the medical wheelchair provider and what they felt they needed. I let them know what I thought I needed which was the biggest Motors I could get my hands on, the best wheelchair cushion available giving my buttocks as much protection as possible and an elevator function on the chair itself which would raise me up anywhere from 6 to 8 inches I believe – – more if I can get away with it – – again The avid reader knows that in the past I have passed up elevator seat option thinking it solid but in actual fact now I realized I was selling and having this feature this ability to elevate myself 8 to 10 inches would do wonders from my kitchen to the market and getting things that are now out of my reach. I don't know if these desires will be doable by any means but what the heck I'm going to give it a shot this chair may be the last chair that I get in this life and I think it's time I got some whistles and bells that might make my life a bit easier in the next five years, if I'm fortunate enough to live that long, and that this silly virus subsides with the advent of mask wearing, social distancing and above all else the vaccine. Something the back of my mind suggests that this vaccine would be just the beginning of numerous viruses and challenges to come. I'm just hoping to meet these challenges with a kick ass chair…

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