Sunday, November 15, 2020

You! Wearing That Mask…


Yesterday I wrote at some length about producing my breakfast dish called garb rock which is pronounced gar and Brock short for garlic broccoli. This is the dish I make with a canned corned beef the kind they get from Chile or South America. I suppose canned corned beef is produced here in the the StatesBut every can I open of corned beef says “product of South America”. In the past four months I know I've purchased at least four cans of this product in the past month and for one reason or another I cannot put my hands on any of the cans of corned beef. I purchased two cans of corned beef last week along with the broccoli of need for this dish. I had to get the corned beef because the to cancel I know that I purchased in August or September were somewhere in the pantry but all of my searching could not locate them. They have to be in their there still a couple boxes I can't access and I think they should be in one of those areas so it was just quicker and less stress to purchase another couple of cans.

I cannot believe the rising price that this product has elevated itself to in the past year or so. I used to be able to purchase them for a a dollar $.75. The new product went to two dollars and can then to $2.50 a can now however the price is around $4.50 a can and I've seen it up around six dollars sometimes! This is so strange because I thought this product was considered junk meat. That's why corned beef was used in products in the old days like corned beef and cabbage. It was the cheap cut of meat are processed meat one would use if you could not afford anything else. Now it's almost a luxury item. Having written this makes me think that this product has inherent value. I don't know how many people are aware that corned beef is expensive but I have not heard there being a black market for these cans of protein.

I believe I commented on my home health person attempted to put some form of order to my pantry. She is actually organizing the cans into their own particular group i.e. fruit in one section that's the roles of another section, dry legumes in another section and on and on. I also had the idea to place the canned meat product on a shelf above my coffee . I really like this idea especially observing neat rows cans of Spam, chicken, beef and various other forms of canned protein. I felt for sure the corned beef was up there I just couldn't see it. I'm one of those rare unfortunate nights my son granddaughter visited while they were here I had Mark Anthony checkup there for the cans he could not find any.

So there was no garb rock today and I was somewhat excited because I knew Mark Anthony would find the corned beef and I would just use tomorrow for garb rock. But that was not to be. So now, I have four cans of corned beef I cannot find. I actually have a brisket in the freezer, a corned beef brisket, a fugitive from this St. Patrick's Day. Was the overpriced pieces of meat that did not get sold. I love real corned beef brisket and I can use it in garb rock but it's just not the same product at its completion. I really misuse canned corned beef. Tomorrow I will ask Melanie just where she put that product and hopefully she'll be able just walk up and find it. If not, to more cans, have gone missing. And this time I will go to the market and make my product all of the same day. And I will wonder if there are those sneaking in stealing my cans of corned beef for the black market…

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