Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Learn To Adapt

This is an image of my tree across the street from my apartment. The image has nothing to do with today's post I just like it, the image,

You would think that because of today being Tuesday and on top of that being Election day that I would have some major diatribe on the current president seeking reelection to a second term but I'm not going to do that probably because it's just too depressing to even think of such a calamity. Now maybe tomorrow after we figure out what's going down today as far as How the vote is Going the not might be something altogether different and I might be able to dredge up something to say about a possible Biden loss if that's what I think to be. But you know what? We won't even know is going take so long to tally this vote and even then who's going to really know for sure?

So what I want to write about tonight is “adaptation” I like to think that if I have a superpower, it would be my ability to adapt to adapt totally and to adapt often or whatever it takes to survive to the next level. I'm famous for doing my “work around”. I adapt. I have to have enough time to deal with the problem to think of a solution then to implement the solution but I can usually figure out what I need to do to get to the next step. When is using the manual chair after my recent operations had to figure out how to gather my close and I figured out by using my my bungee cords secure to my bed and the other and secured to my clothes I need removed I could roll backwards and by doing so pulled close right off my body. I would do this or that I need to get naked before my evening home health person would get there. It worked. Let us first without rehabilitation in the old days around 1966 67, 68 somewhere there. I found that wearing underwear was just a major hindrance to try to get around and do what I needed to do through my day. I adapted I didn't wear underwear and I worked just fine. When I got to my power chair following my stenosis ordeal. I no longer really used the manual chair – – which I truly grieve – – but I figured out a number of things how to roll out of my bed into my chair by raising my power red electric bed at five of the gravity do all the work. I adapted. I figured out how to use the sticks I had been using for hooks. How to place the sticks under my legs in such a way the active as leverage to raise my legs up high enough then with the use inner tubes or a foot ladder I can raise my leg high enough to cross my other leg and then work my shoes on – – hell I could even put on socks but you know what socks didn't really have a purpose for me so I adapted in the no longer wear socks. I'm always adapting in one way or another. I'm sure everybody is always is that I'm aware of it and I made myself when I see it happening. There are some items self defeat on and I hold on to these self-defeating behaviors far too long but eventually those two I adapt out of given enough time.

In three months roughly I am going to turn 70 years old! That is hard to adapt to but I know that I will. Slowly but slowly I'm adapting to the idea that I'm pretty much at the end of my lifespan which cover freaks me out. I cannot believe how well I feel to be at this point in my life I suppose it's a gift that you know what the big gift my life's has been my superpower of being able to adapt to whatever situation I might be in…okay

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